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Capitol Hill Block Party 2011: Day Three Open Thread

Sunday. Day of rest. Or last chance for an entire year to enjoy the CHBP circus in all its glory. Here’s our final open post of the weekend. We’ll add updates, etc. here as needed.

The theme of 2011 so far has been the maturing of the Party. It’s summed up pretty well in this CHS comment:

Best Ever
As a local business owner I have to agree that this is the best organized Block Party yet. This morning the neighborhood was the cleanest I’ve ever seen it. No lines blocking the street last night, no people on the roofs partying, no broken windows, etc. Much better than Pride. A great event for the neighborhood.

By the way, the fire truck people reported seeing on 10th Ave Friday night was a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association — not some emergency on the roof of the Odd Fellows building. The 911 end of things has been limited to a few reported assaults and some shoplifting at QFC, so far.

What’s Day Three have in store? Organizers have been aiming to bring the festival in for a soft Sunday landing with Explosions in the Sky, an earlier, calmer headliner, bringing the out-of-doors Block Party elements to a close.

Got something others should know about? Drop us a note at [email protected] or say hey via Twitter @jseattle. We’ll be watching for #chbp tweets, too.

Capitol Hill Block Party 2011, originally uploaded by spratt504.






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awesome steve
awesome steve
13 years ago

Neumos Comback party featuing the onono’s killed it last night. They effing blew my effing mind!

13 years ago

even though i’m not attending block party this year i feel like it’s pretty well contained – i can walk around the perimeter and the streets aren’t filled with crap/garbage/barf. Tomorrow AM will be the true test but so far I’m pleased! Hoping this is a trend.

13 years ago

it was hot from the start…..

13 years ago

Photos I took with my iphone –

13 years ago