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Hillcats 2012

Earlier this week, we called out The Stranger’s Dominic Holden for his efforts to exploit young Capitol Hill puppies. He responded with what can only be called super puppy power. And while the picture of puppy Jack has warmed CHS’s cold, dark hearts, we’re not giving this up without a fight. It’s time to summon a powerful force from our past.

We give you Hillcats 2012.

To include your Capitol Hill feline in the fighting force, send us a picture along with your kitty’s name and what part of the Hill you call home to [email protected] or post it on our Facebook pageYes, ferrets and snakes are cats. (You can also try adding a picture via the comments but, warning, our system has been shaky lately.)

“oh we have kitties. l to r: Amaterasu, Opus, Fiddy, Orfeo.”

“This is Samantha. She lives by Summit/Mercer.”

“Gobby with Toast and Egg necklace :)”

“Hill cat loves chs blog!”

Mondo — “He is our newest addition to our Cap Hill Cats! :) Just adopted him from a rescue 4 weeks ago. He’s an old 12 yr siamese. Sooo cute!”

“Winston is an 8-year old Persian rescue cat with no dignity who lives near Madison Market.”

“My boy, Buffy. Definitely a Hillcat.”

“Frankie helping with Hill Style”

That’s Clementine in the guitar case, Natasha sleeping on the computer case, and Lemmy sitting like a Muppet. 

I’m just off of 15th near the Safeway. Good luck with the battle. KITTEHS RULZ!!1

Mitzi (watching the birds) and Smudge live with me near north Broadway (or more specifically, Belmont & Republican).

“I call this one, ‘Tuesday in Repose.’ She lives on the edge of Capitol Hill (don’t we all?) in the Tuscany.”


“This is Colby, my 15 year old recent rescue who lives at 13th & Madison. Likes: litter-flinging, Boston Fern-gobbling. Dislikes: the #12 bus, shenanigans outside Madison Pub because those rabble-rousers disturb his 23-hour long naps.”

“I have two Hillcats who want to rumble. Steve on the left, Sam on the right.”

“Joey and Tigger off Broadway”

“Figgy is a 4-year-old rescue tabby living on the South eastern corner of The Hill near 23rd and Madison. She enjoys chattering at crows and destroying rolls of toilet paper.”

“This is Peebles Ann Peebles. Much like the singer she was named after, she can’t stand the rain against her window either. Peebs lives near Bellevue & Denny.”

“Mexico Kitty – 15th and pine”

“Filthy – he lives at 14th & E. Union and is a bookstore cat”

“This is Ziggy with his proud tail.”

“This is Fiddy, Opus, Orfeo having a cuddle.” — also featured at the top!

“Gracie & Erwin Schrödinger, Hillcats from the Hilltop.”

“Charlie annoying Gracie. LOVE THEM!”


“This is Madison, she lives off of Melrose.”


“Buddy was 4 months old when he moved to Belmont Ave E & Summit, he now lives close by at Bellevue Ave E & Thomas. Forever a Hillcat!”

“Bodhi lives on 14th and Harrison. Regal.”

I am loving this Hillcats 2012 plan! Please include my droolmonsters Ollie and Ted. Ollie proudly wears a full tuxedo every day and enjoys spooning my husband’s lap while he plays video games, and Ted is a sensitive soul whose preferred position is sideways. They live the life of luxury near Volunteer Park.

“I am submitting a picture of my awesome Hillcat Yobo. Yobo (“sweetheart” in Korean) lived his entire life (safe the first few weeks) on Capitol Hill. He was a fixture in and around our hood just off 15th. He died recently, and one of the things that made us feel better was how neighbors from blocks around expressed condolences for him when they found out he was gone. He was a helluva cat. I hope he still qualifies to be included. He was the epitome of a Hillcat. Beautiful, social, rambunctious, and now, sorely missed.”

“This is Willow, she lives near Thomas St. Park. This is her best Obi-Wan impression.”

“This is Loki; she calls 15th and Union home.”

“This dust mop is Zeno — we live on E. Madison.”

“Yoshi, in-bread cat, models the latest in gluten-based feline fashions on Hilltop. :)”

“Here’s Snickers, she lives on north Broadway! She’s a big baby!”

“Winifred and Phillip have lived on the Hill for 5 years, currently near Summit and Olive. They were feral kittens from Seattle Persian & Himalayan Rescue.”

“Eggs Florentine who lives on Bellevue Bellevue and bellevue”

“I don’t know this fella’s name but he lives near the Thomas St. P-Patch (10th & Thomas) and poops in my garden plot every damn day.”

“Kitty kitty bang bang — The Bering; 14th and Thomas”

“Flossy and Frank live near 11th and Denny”

“Newly adopted from Kitty Harbor in West Seattle. Ada (the smaller one) and Monkey (the tortoiseshell) have got their humans wrapped around their little paws.”

“Kitty I ran into yesterday at Boren and Union. Cute little guy/gal.”

“Starbuck and Marcel were born and raised on the hill, love treats from Trader Joe’s a block away and await a snowy owl sighting.”

“Wallace Twitch is acutely aware of something fishy. He lives under the Madison Towers.”

“Gatsby, who lives on Bellevue and Republican.”

“If a woman brings over a purse, it will get sat on, period. Her name is Madison; she lives on Pine & Summit.”

“Pixel is one year old and lives near Pine and Bellevue. She’s some sort of tabby Siamese mix, but we adopted her from a shelter as a kitten, so who knows.”

Bear & Monkey (No, they’re NOT named after the JN song), 12th & Pine

“This is Kiki with her favorite toy (Miller Park).”

Hipster cat band starred Tigger, Puff, and Smoke.  Tigger (18) and Smoke (16) both passed away earlier this year but they held court on the hill for their entire lives. Puff is surveying the goings on at Thomas & Boylston from his bedroom window (and has been doing so for 17 years.)

“Winston of Summit and Roy likes to do it with his socks on.”

“Meet Bucket (alert) and Lulu (lounging). They’re proud Hillcats and daily Hill observers. They know if you’ve been naughty or nice.”

“This is Charmer – he likes sleeping next to the heater this time of year. We live a few blocks from Trader Joe’s.”

“Gary Glockenspiel of Bellevue, Bellevue, Bellevue”

“Jaspurr Johns does it all for the belly rubs. 23rd & Aloha-ish”

“Christmas kitties on Bellevue E.”

“Last of my HillCats: Meet Antoine Rasputin Little-Bunny-Foo-Foo-Hopping-Through-The-Forest-Scooping-Up-The-Field-Mice-And-Bopping-Them-On-TheHead Napoleon Bathory the Third! He dressed up as QuailCat for Halloween a couple years ago.”

“Hector the glamor puss.”

“Elizabeth Taylor and D’Artagnan making sweet love. They are actually brother and sister, so presumably this is just a friendly hug and hopefully not a passionate embrace….They live very happily on Federal and Republican.”

“This is Foo. He resides on Belmont & E. Olive St.”

“Bellatrix is also a proud Hillcat.”

“Hi! This is my cat, French Mathematician Blaise Pascal! We live in First Hill, but CLOSE ENUFF.”

“Oh, and this handsome devil is moving to Cap Hill on Monday! His name is Tiger and he belongs to my parents, Karen-Phil Lloyd.”

“Hillcat Sweet P’Tater has most likely watched you as you walk around 12th & Madison.”

“Rupert is a Hillcat, and he wants in!”

“Mister E is a Devon Rex Hillcat and lives on 23rd Ave E.”

“Delilah and Jezebel, from the Pike/Pine Corridor, enjoying their favorite movie.”

“Jean Claude ives on 25th Ave E. between Prospect & Helen. Some call this North Capital Hill although we are on the poor side of the street. Everyone in the are knows him as he is very social. If your door is open he will help himself in and plop himself on your couch, or eat your cat’s food. Goes on walks with us and our dog. No fear.”

“Skeletor in the back, Ophelia in the front, stretching. They are sisters and live at 16th and Harrison.”

“Here’s Tosh, contemplating a cat-nap, at Bellevue, Belmont & Summit….”

“This is Kingsley. She’s a sassy east coast lady who moved to the hill this past summer by way of Long Island and Massachusetts. – Bellevue and olive”

“Here is a pic of Winston Major, an 8 month old rescue that turned out to be a rare odd-eyed khao manee. He is naughty smart and likes to fetch. He lives on Harrison and Boylston.”

“My name is Porgs. I like my wheatgrass straight up.”

“Winston. Thomas and Harvard.”

“We live on Capitol Hill at The IN on 17th and Olive. Her name is Mali. She is an Applehead seal-point Siamese.”

“Dapper gentleman Desmond lives at 17th & Madison.”

“This is Googly Magoo Boodlecat LaVigne, kickin ass at 14th and Denny”

Fritz (Siamese mix) and Lulu (grey/white) live on the North end of the Hill near Miller Park. They get occasional pop in visits to their yard from their neighborhood outdoor friend, Snug (orange guy).


“Winston (white) and Nigel (black) are from England originally, but now reside on Roy Street between Summit and Bellevue. They enjoy pigging out, snoozing, taking shit about dogs, and cuddles with each other and their humans.”

“Noodles (orange) and Sebastian (tuxedo) are two brothers snoozing away their days at E Union & Boylston. Mreow.”

“Here are two pictures of Shaman.  One, he is doing an awesome leap.  This is not where we live; we often go out for walks together that cover 3-4 blocks.  He loves to walk with me; he never runs off or gets lost.  Two, he is wondering if he should brave going out in the snow or not.  Shaman is a rescue kitty born in the back of an abandoned car (or so we were told) who lived about a year on Madison and 25th; lived six years in a lovely house near 23rd and Aloha, then two years near 15th Ave E and Mercer. He ever so recently moved off the Hill but would love to share these fond, memories of his time on the Hill, 2002-2011”

“Mini the cat lives in the Harvard Belmont area”

“This is Lily, at Harvard and Republican. She was a foster cat from the Seattle Animal Shelter who we couldn’t part with.”

“This is Bob Dylan and Iris (Devon Rex kitties) who live on the north end of Summit Ave E”

“This is Rodney. He relocated to the hill from NYC in 2009 and has embraced his new job of bird and people watching at 12th and Howell. He also loves couch scratching (hence blue sparkly softpaws for his many toes).”

“This is Valentino. He lives at 14th and John.”

“This is my beautiful Stella – she loves to look out the window of her Biltmore Apartment at Summit and watch the ivy leaves float by. If she’s very, very patient – and holds very, very still – she sometimes catches a glimpse of a bird among the leaves.”

“Laser Princess Nezumi and Monster Mutant Grendel the First, Esq., happily living near Boylston & Howell.”

“This is Jake. He lounges at 14th and Mercer.”

“this is my last picture of Gabby. she was a tabby who loved to hang out on the boylston/republican corner, but she ventured for attention…or just a feisty swipe.”

“Tala of North Broadway”

“spaghetti, 14th and union”

“meatball, 14th and union”

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12 years ago

It is almost Caturday!

12 years ago

I recognize that handsome boy- I transported him for Seattle Persian & Himalayan Rescue from Burien to the U District! He was quite the gentleman and very well-behaved in the car. When I dropped him off at the vet, they asked if we knew his name. Sadly, his name had not been provided to us, so my boyfriend and I named him Winston. A dignified name for a dignified (well… sort of ;) kitty!

I’m glad to see he’s doing well, and happy that he’s a Hillcat! Very cool. I hope you have many happy years together. <3

12 years ago

But if I did, Bodhi looks like my style

12 years ago

Why is there no picture of Squeaky?

12 years ago

Squeaky didn’t submit his photo. Must’ve had a problem using the mouse.

12 years ago

oh, i have a phone full of Squeaky pictures!

12 years ago

Bodhi: Regal, yet vicious!.. Loveable nonetheless

12 years ago

What a perfectly (excuse me, “purrfectly”) wonderful idea for an article! Love the photos (cats are so naturally photogenic — read that, natural posers). The first pic featuring the curious little cats watching everything going on in the ‘hood is priceless (how typical of nosy little feline busybodies who operate on a need to know basis concerning EVERYTHING — I’m simply thankful that their gossip cannot be understood by mere mortals).

Thank you for such a thoroughly entertaining blog entry!

12 years ago

I see plenty of people and dogs in the neighborhood, so it’s nice to see the citizens of Cap Hill who are a bit more private.

I love Ziggy’s tail, and the photo of Gatsby. Schrödinger is a great name. Yobo looks like he was pretty awesome.

12 years ago

Beauties! The lot of them! And so are all the Hillcats who aren’t pictured, I’m sure.

12 years ago

I’ll admit I was somewhat annoyed when I saw the post about dogs and didn’t see a companion one about cats – but here it is in all of its fluffy, fluffy glory. Thank you for this. Cats really are the best. I would submit a picture of my cat, but unfortunately she’s now an ex-hillcat, since her momma (me) moved the two of us to Lower Queen Anne in search of cheaper rent. Ah well, the important thing is that cats rule and dogs drool.

12 years ago

Great thread.

12 years ago

I love that so many of my neighbors have Hillcats. . . err. . . correction, I love that so many Hillcats own my neighbors!

These pictures made my week!

12 years ago

iz caturday nao!!1

12 years ago

Thanks for helping make my family complete! Winston is a doll and is really the best little friend I could have asked for.

12 years ago

Pixel looks *exactly* like my cat, Finnian, who’s around 7 years old. I wonder if they actually are some sort of pure breed? Finnian came from the shelter, too, and was labeled a Siamese mix.

12 years ago

I hit the link for the SlogDogs and as I paged quickly down, viewing the dog photos, what do my eyes behold but a picture of 2 altogether wonderful CATS! I roared with laughter. That is so atypical of cats — determined to show their little furry feline faces smack dab in the middle of a bunch of dogs. Thanks for the rib-tickler!

Michael W.
Michael W.
12 years ago

As much as I want CHS to beat the Stranger in this worthy competition (and I really want that, oh so much) Cats. Are. Not. Dogs.

I’m sure that the Catfolk are upstanding people with their own customs and rituals. I’m sure they long for peace and hug their children at night.

But they are Catfolk. And this is about the Land of Dog, my friends… Long Live Fido.

12 years ago

Ah, yes, dogs . . . I hear them barking (nee, the small ones yapping) early in the morning while I am trying to sleep; I step in their “leavings” because owners must walk these ill-bred creatures since they are unable to utilize a box; and I endure their wet and oft-times muddy paw prints on my clothing because they insist upon jumping on people who stop to speak to their owners (that last word is one, incidentally, that will NEVER apply to cats). No. Cats most assuredly are NOT dogs if only because cats issue commands knowing they were (justifiably) once revered as Gods whereas dogs slavishly respond to commands of foolish humans who are incapable of running their own lives much less, ruling the world.

Bottom line: The “Land of Dogs” is littered with doggie-poo landmines.

Mark MacIntyre
Mark MacIntyre
12 years ago

TOTALLY looks like Yosemite Sam!