In 2008, a plan was conceived and executed on CHS that was as audacious as it was adorable. The mission: Collect pictures of fuzzy buddies from across Capitol Hill. The goal: Hillcats!
The result: The best-selling CHS t-shirt of all time. 7 t-shirts sold!
To celebrate the two-year anniversary (the plan was so audacious that we had to skip a year to fully recover the community energy) we present Hillcats! 2010: This Time with Dogs and Fish
We’ll assemble another one-of-a-kind commemorative CHS pets collage and do some sorts of amazing things with it for the upcoming holiday season.
Here’s how to help.
- Login/Create Account: Create a CHS account if you don’t have one already *or* log in with your Facebook account
- Add Your Comment: Let us know your CHS critter’s name and super powers and take advantage of our fancy new “Add a photo to comment” feature to upload a flattering picture of your feline, etc. (Due to some technical lameness, you won’t see the picture right away after you submit the comment. Refresh the page before submitting again.)
- Enjoy: Sit back and enjoy Hillcats! 2010: This Time with Dogs and Fish
Really don’t want to register or use your Facebook account? Send your pet pic to us at [email protected] and we’ll post it for you.
My cat’s name is Boo-Boo and as you can see, she is a Seahawks fan with her 12th Man(Cat?) flag and filling out her football pool.
“My six month-old Pomeranian, Thomas, at Cal Anderson Park”
“It’s under my butt. You can’t read it.”
This is Rasta kitty working hard for the money!
This Tala. She just moved to Capitol Hill from New Hampshire. She loves wet food, toys with feathers and waking us up at 6 am.
I didn’t have a cat last year so this is my first Hillcats experience. Hooray!
This is my cat, Bug McLovin the Chocolate Muffin. Yes, that is his full name (as listed on his paperwork from PAWS). He usually goes by “Bug” or “my little furry co-dependent house alien”, depending on the day’s antics. This table is his favorite place in the apartment, it looks out on a nice patch of grass with visiting pigeons.
Love that face!
Neko (left) and Egg, two happy sleepy kittens.
“Doing my part to keep the hill safe”
Likes: talking, sleeping on heads, stealing pillows and snuggling
Dislikes: not getting all the attention, being left home alone too long and his hairball medicine
Mr Dubu is 8 years old, but has more energy than a puppy. During his free time he enjoys playing with his monkey friends and watching football on the weekends.
Here’s Badger at Volunteer Park…
Likes: bathtubs, cat scratchers and food
Dislikes: Xander
Super Hero Kitty = Awesome!!
She’s pretty, but kind of a grump.
This is Miss Clara Blue. She likes doughnuts and obsessive yelling. She’s a Virgo.
My princess Joey. This is is her feed me (ok, usual) look!
Goal: World dominance by snuggling
Superpower: Purr of Perversion
Does his fez look familiar ?
Rasta kitty has luvs tivos and yummy mouses
This is my two year old hamster Oscar. So he’s about 100 in people years. He can walk on his hind legs and give high fives for treats. His favorite treat is live mealworms.
Cooper was a trained bird dog when we adopted him, he loves stalking the pigeons and squirrels during our daily walks. He also loves to run and usually gets a game of “chase me” going at the Pillars Park.
My coffee boys, Illy the Viente and Tully the Grande, litter-mates and best friends. Unless they’re fighting over who gets the box at the top of the cat tree.
7 year old Rat Terrier
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound – ChaCha the terrier hound!
Lemme help you out!
Meet ChaCha
Mama Kitty lives on Bellevue Ave E and rules the hill while barely raising a paw!
Little Miss Beatrice is a tough little cookie… she is afraid of nothing… chronically frieldly with coveted energy all in a little package with the most snuggleable jowls and charming bat ears. Oh and her owners are absolutely wild about her :-)
Here she is
Hey, that’s my neighbor! Badger is a sweet little guy :)
This is Sooki and she keeps a close watch on the alley to protect it from crows and pigeons. I feel safer when she (and her wee little paws and clipped ear) are around…
Superpower: Playing dead
Mr. Colonel and Mrs. Wilbur. In l-o-v-e on Bellevue Ave.
Conquistador Cortez Des La Muerte
This is a photo of Simon and Caffeine. Some of the lazier cats on the Hill.
Pasha is excited to make her return to Hillcats, this time gazing at her plum tree.
(This is awesome, Justin!)
This is Werner. He likes to eat and pretend he is potty trained.
Gir the magnificent, protecting us feeble humans from all of those dangerous strings.
This is Fannie Mae – our hillcat ignores her
Welcome to the hill, Tala! It’s always nice to see another calico in the ‘hood. :)
Jet – Queen of Denial
Superpower – Knows exactly what time it is at any given moment…dinner time!
Flynn and Zephyr: six months. Every day is just another opportunity to conquer the world with cute.
Cortez is friends with my Oscar – Hi Cortez!!! :)
Poor Oscar dressed up for Halloween. He wasn’t happy.
Poor dog looks so miserable :-(
ChaCha is friends with Coop, they’re building neighbors :)
He was a good sport – but I don’t dress him for Halloween anymore. That year we went to a kid’s Halloween party and there was a little boy in the exact same costume. They were so funny together following each other around. :)
Name: Gato
Aliases: Gatopotomus, Gatomus Maximus.
Likes: Tuna, Salmon, occasional headbuts, Roomba, TiVo, laying on/in boxes/sacks/clean clothes.
Dislikes: Belly touching, her new diet, the neighbor.
Sign: Aries.
Superpowers: Sloth. That’s a superpower, right?
As you can see, Sophie is a natural model and beauty queen.
Small, grey, cute, and annoyed and/or scared by everything.
Chica in the sun :)
This is Ursula. She enjoys hanging out on the window sill and tormenting a certain dachshund named Paprika. She thinks sitting on the kitchen stove is funny.
And her brother Goose…
Superpowers: Can disquise himself as a dog.
He seems pretty big.
“This is Roscoe.
Aka: chicken and waffles
Heβs a Hilldog on Boylston.
It was a hot day!”
Cha Cha looking good there, very regal.
what a cutie! Beatrice lays like this… <3 the frog legs :-)
Hello, I’d like to introduce myself, my name is Simon and I like bacon.
Little Miss Beatrice is a cutie too! here’s to the frog legs!!!
Laughing at all of us!
Lovely gal!
…with her Egg and Toast necklace I made. :)
…as Quail-Cat on Halloween 2009!
..and his belly. :)