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CHS Pics: Capitol Hill Pride means flags are flying

You’ll have to wait until Sunday to see the Pride flag wave from the Space Needle but a tour of Capitol Hill’s business districts Friday morning showed a rainbow-covered neighborhood. With more focus on the flag this year following the Space Needle controversy, the rainbow popped up in a few places it hasn’t been seen in the past. Add in the dedicated flag flyers and you end up with the symbol of Pride flying, hanging — and sometimes tangled — on every block.

There’s also a lot going on across the Hill this weekend: Prom Dress Rugby, Bend-It Extravaganza, Pride Festival and more.

Some instances of flag-waving might make you think of crass commercial opportunity but others are placed with authentic lowercased pride. In the end, there’s not much difference. Seeing the colors next to corporate logos is also a symbol of progress. Happy Pride. If you’re flying the flag at your home, send us a picture or add a link in the comments. Big pictures are below.

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13 years ago

where on earth could we have gotten a flag?

13 years ago

Why can’t we keep these up all the time? Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t there a time when that was the case?

13 years ago

Babeland flies a Pride flag year round.
They didn’t make the photo spread but I know it is always out during business hours.

13 years ago

I just called the Crypt, they said they’re sold out. Healeo was giving them away a few weeks ago, called them too but they aren’t answering phone.

If anyone knows where to get one please advise – I’d like to hang some up in my building. Thanks!

13 years ago

Metro on Broadway had them for sale so you might check there

13 years ago

Yeah I just think it would be cool to have them all over. I mean, the Pride festival is a big event in our neighborhood, but pride in general is a big part of the neighborhood character and history. I think it’s really neat how in Davie Village in Vancouver and the Castro there are very visible visual symbols of the neighborhood pride.

I believe most people on the Hill, no matter who we are, are very proud of our diversity and community solidarity. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a visual symbol for that all over the neighborhood?

13 years ago

Was very disappointed that the picture of our flag at Russell Jones Real Estate, was one of the pictures that didn’t make it into the photo gallery. What happened? Thanks and Happy Pride Day!

13 years ago

No offense. Lots of flags didn’t make it in for a variety of reasons including my photog skills. Send a pic?

13 years ago

This was very cool CHS. Thanks for taking these pics!

George / SGN
George / SGN
13 years ago

SGN has on FB – OUR FLAG – and an SGN volunteer, John, has spent days getting many of these up. John deserves a big THANKS.

SGN plans to have 100 high view locations all around the city matched with big flags for next year. The flags will be sewn in the community, the Court of Seattle is in, and the Sisters and dears, they do know how to run a seam.

Happy Pride to all, get out and enjoy some of the events, tons this weekend.

(YMCA downtown, pretty flag flying!!)

And, yes, thanks ace blog master, Justin. And the Hill Chamber of C. who bought several hundred free flags … nice.

Doghouse Leathers
Doghouse Leathers
13 years ago

Doghouse Leathers at 1312 E Pike St still has Pride Flags in stock. Both silk screen and nylon flags – Rainbow, Bear and Leather.

13 years ago

Well, one thing I can think of is that Broadway is no longer the “gay” area and hasn’t really been that way for years. This is the first year in several that the street banner standards had anything at all gay related. There was a lot of finger pointing why it didn’t get done in past years.

13 years ago

I’m on the run so can’t add to the slideshow — but here’s Linda’s flag in all its glory. Thanks for sending the picture!

George / SGN
George / SGN
13 years ago

-UPDATE-SGN FB-BREAKING NEWS: Space Needle to raise the Pride flag before 2011 Pride Parade, June 26. Confirmed from several sources – incl GSBA and the Sisters, going to the Needle at 7 am, flag will fly before the parade, exact time, 8 am, confirmed…XOXOXO George B.

13 years ago

I love seeing all of the flags. I think it would awesome to have the flags flown all year long. Why not? No matter how it changes, Capitol Hill will still be the gayborhood, so we should reflect that. I think Seattle is too worried about pissing off someone, so instead they dont do anything to step on any toes. Other cities fly their Pride flags all year, i.e: San Francisco, Vancouver, Boston.