City Council chooses Solomon to fill open International District and South Seattle seat

(Image: Seattle City Council)

Mark Solomon has ten months to change Seattle. Monday, the Seattle City Council voted to appoint the longtime Seattle Police Department community crime prevention coordinator to finish the term of Tammy Morales representing the International District and South Seattle’s District 2 at City Hall.

Solomon has pledged to focus on the job at hand and says he will not run in the November election to re-fill the seat.

Solomon has said his priorities will be representing D2 neighborhoods in the city’s comprehensive plan update and address street disorder in Little Saigon. Continue reading

Updated proposal for Seattle’s next 20-year growth plan ups density for new residential development, fills in Squire Park hole

Mayor Bruce Harrell’s administration has finalized its proposal for the city’s next 20-year growth plan with a few key changes to draft plans circulated earlier this year including allowing denser design of development in the city’s residential zones and filling in a big hole in previously released zoning update maps for the area around Squire Park on the edges of the Central District and First Hill.

CHS reported here this spring on the Harrell administration comprehensive plan proposal that continues the city’s focus on growth in its densest cores of Capitol Hill and the Central District while making small steps forward in allowing multifamily-style housing across the city.

A coalition of business and community organizations have called for more growth, denser “middle housing,” and more housing near transit in the plan.

While the final comp plan proposal would continue many of the development patterns that have shaped modern Seattle, the changes for the final proposed zoning update show the administration responding to density proponents with changes for the city’s expanses of neighborhood residential zoning that would allow developers to create denser designs — upping the threshold from a .9 floor to area ratio to 1.2 FAR in the final proposal. Continue reading

With new ‘Neighborhood Residential’ zoning, Seattle hopes to change the language of housing development

Seattle has eliminated “single family” housing… from its vocabulary. Monday, the Seattle City Council approved what housing development proponents say is a key change for how City Hall plans growth in a vote renaming the lowest density zoning in the city to “Neighborhood Residential.”

“The legislation passed today brings us one step closer to a more inclusive Seattle. Today, we recognize neighborhoods across our city are home to diverse housing built before increasingly restrictive zoning went into place. This includes small businesses, parks, schools, and services, as well as diverse households that expand beyond the ‘single-family’ designation – that was a misnomer. ‘Neighborhood Residential’ reflects that diversity more accurately,” co-sponsor Teresa Mosqueda said in a statement on Monday’s vote. Continue reading

With Capitol Hill ‘open house,’ planning commission report recommends shake-up of Seattle single-family zoning

Representatives from City Hall and the Seattle Planning Commission will be at Capitol HIll’s 12th Ave Arts Monday night to talk about a newly released report that officials say shows changes to single-family zoning are “necessary for the city’s future.”

“Restoring the flexibility in housing types seen in Seattle’s historic residential neighborhoods is critical if the city is to achieve its goals of being a diverse, equitable and sustainable place to live,” a statement on the new “Neighborhoods for All” report reads.

City reps will be on Capitol Hill to talk about the report’s findings and the strategies the commission says should be implemented by Mayor Jenny Durkan and the Seattle City Council to begin “a return to the mix of housing and development patterns found in many of Seattle’s older and most walkable neighborhoods” across Seattle.

Among the findings: Continue reading

‘Pike-Pine Renaissance’ below, upzoning Capitol Hill ‘single-family’ neighborhoods up top

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.43.21 AMUp here, we call it Pike/Pine. But Wednesday morning in downtown Seattle, they were calling the lower reaches of the two critically important connective streets a golden opportunity for reinventing — and redesigning — the city’s central core.

The Downtown Seattle Association hosted business and community leaders at the unveiling of its Pike-Pine Renaissance initiative to rethink and better structure the public spaces and infrastructure of downtown. Many of the concepts would find a welcome home up the Hill, too. Clean, safe-to-walk through alleyways, anyone?

The initiative vision is described in surprisingly urbanist language: “To move Downtown incrementally toward higher quality, more consistent pedestrian space through upgraded standards for sidewalks and intersections.”

The Seattle Times notes that the area’s recent attempts at reinvention haven’t met with much success:

The area’s last major transformation was in the 1990s, when developer Matt Griffin and a group of investors raised $175 million to create Pacific Place at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Pine Street. Griffin and his partners also struck a deal to have Nordstrom open its flagship store in the historic Frederick & Nelson building next door.

Since then, despite numerous studies and piecemeal efforts, the Pike-Pine area’s streets and buildings have yet to blossom into a coherent, harmonious whole. There are blocks of prominent retail space such as Pacific Place and the renovated Westlake Center followed by blocks of mediocrity.

While the design initiative may inspire projects off the Hill, some see a growing connection between the opportunities and problems in the downtown core and Capitol Hill. East Precinct officials have publicly acknowledged that crime issues around Cal Anderson, for example, increasingly mirror those found downtown. It follows, then, that some of the public infrastructure discussions and initiatives could drift up the Hill.

Meanwhile, with less fanfare than Wednesday’s focus on the most urban of Seattle’s spaces, another “urbanist vision” unveiled on the day presents a look at possible change for Capitol Hill’s single-family home dominated areas:

The real meat of the report, though, is an overall recommendation to up-zone Seattle’s single-family neighborhoods.  This is controversial, but important.  Discussions of where new development should go tend to be narrowly constrained to a few urban villages, while the vast majority of Seattle – something like 2/3 of the land – is considered off-limits (the yellow stuff in the map at right). So we argue about whether to allow 5 stories or 6 in a narrow sliver of Capitol Hill, meanwhile acres and acres of the city’s neighborhoods remain locked at absurdly low density levels.

To add insult to injury, as single family houses get more expensive, they become even more out of reach to larger families, resulting in a spiral whereby only small, wealthy families can afford them, thereby decreasing density even further.

The City of Seattle hosts its affordable housing public forum on Thursday.

The full Pike-Pine Renaissance design report is below.  Continue reading