A visit to Harry’s Guest House and mixing uses on Capitol Hill’s Bellevue Ave

(Image: Harry’s Guest House)

(Image: Harry’s Fine Foods)

By Juan Jocom

The Harry’s Good Times family of businesses is growing. There’s a place to come and stay on Capitol Hill when everyone visits.

Harry’s Guest House was once home to a beloved neighbor. Now, it is part of Harry’s Fine Foods and of the few new places to stay on Capitol Hill where recent attempts to develop new hotel projects have been slow to take shape.

Jake Santelli and Julian Hagood opened their first accommodation-based business on Capitol Hill at the corner of E Mercer and Bellevue Ave in November. It is a two-unit bed and breakfast. As their Harry’s Fine Foods restaurant took shape in 2016 out of an old neighborhood cornerstore, Santelli and Hagood were pleased to make friends with the eccentric neighborhood longtimer next door. Winnie, they say, “dined with us, laughed with us, and ultimately became a symbol of community that made the corner of E Mercer and Bellevue Ave just a little bit sweeter.”

When they learned Winnie was moving out and leaving her beloved home behind, the Harry’s guys moved to make the house part of their presence at the corner. Continue reading

Capitol Hill part of renewed Seattle Tourism Improvement Area proposal

A Seattle City Council is set to review plans Monday morning for a new Seattle Tourism Improvement Area focused on increasing downtown hotel occupancy with some limited implications for tourism on Capitol Hill.

While the neighborhood has been slow to add new hotel properties, Broadway is home to a Silver Cloud Inn and various projects have come up over the years examining possible new hotels — though none have come to fruition. Meanwhile, one hotel in the area has been put on what its owners hope will be a more lucrative path providing housing.

Under the new proposal, lower Capitol Hill up to 12th Ave will remain part of the hotel assessment zone. Continue reading