CHS Re:Take | Broadway Market v1.0, created by a developer, a lawyer, and a saloon owner

Eba's Mutual Market mixed with QFC

Eba’s Mutual Market in 1937 mixed with QFC a week or two ago

Broadway Market must have the most varied history of any grocery center in Seattle. In the last 88 years it has housed QFC, Fred Meyer and its predecessor Marketime, Safeway, independent grocers, and Tradewell and its predecessors. Bitter corporate rivals have swapped spots.

This article focuses on the site’s pre-history and the first era of Broadway Market through 1940. The last 75 years are captured in photographs and quotes.

It was almost Broadway Theatre
Broadway Market sits on the west side of Broadway between Harrison and Republican. This block was developed in the early 1890s as part of the Broadway section of the Pontius Additions, which was unveiled in last month’s time trip. By the 1910s the block was completely filled with homes. Continue reading