By Elizabeth Turnbull
By 2019, Trans Pride Seattle had grown into a surprisingly massive event with huge crowds rallying on Capitol Hill for a celebration of civil rights, love, and good times. 2020 brought the pandemic and a move to online-only events to mark traditions like Pride. 2021 came and went without an in-person Trans Pride celebration.
Now this year, it is time to rally together again but Trans Pride 2022 will be an event in transition, indeed. Seattle’s Gender Justice League has recovered in time to pull together a September version of the annual event that will bring a different take on the celebration. Moved to Volunteer Park, Trans Pride in 2022 will focus on being together, for this year at least, moving on from its past marching through the streets of the Hill. The police are a pain to work with, organizers say. Instead, Friday night, the crowds will come together to hear speakers and entertainers to enjoy a summer evening in Volunteer Park.
The event is designed to create a safe and celebratory space to bolster a sense of togetherness and freedom.
“Trans Pride in itself is just a beacon for the general trans community,“ Ganesha Gold Buffalo, a SafeHouse advocate with the Gender Justice League told CHS. ”And it allows us to gather in a space where we’re in a time of being disconnected from the community on a lot of different levels.” Continue reading