With a new contract for Seattle Police brass on the table, Seattle City Council holding public hearing on police accountability

What July 25th, 2020 looked like on Capitol Hill

The Seattle City Council will hold a public hearing this week that officials hope will shape efforts to improve accountability from the captains and lieutenants who lead the Seattle Police Department.

Tuesday night’s hearing of the council’s Public Safety and Human Services Committee is a key opportunity for community priorities to be heard before negotiations begin on a new contract with the Seattle Police Management Association, the union with fewer than 100 members representing SPD’s leadership positions. The committee’s chair Lisa Herbold says a new contract with the management union could bring critical changes to how SPD’s accountability systems work and that Tuesday’s hearing is a crucial public element in restarting the negotiation process that will move behind closed doors.

“It’s the point in time for the public to testify about what should be included in a new contract,” Herbold said. “Once negotiations begin, they are confidential and closed to the public until negotiations conclude.” Continue reading