Hillebrity | Stephen Anunson

 Stephen Anunson — Volunteer

IMG_5630One of the perks of volunteering at the Film Forum must be all the movies you get to see. What was the last movie you loved and a upcoming movie you are excited to see?

The last movie I loved was “Vic and Flo Saw a Bear.” Two charismatic lesbians aim for a fresh life in the back woods of Quebec while being haunted by a mysterious past and the deadly traps of love. Eerily beautiful.

There are a lot of great programs in the coming weeks. I would check out Red Renewal, a series which analyzes Seattle’s labor movement within the national conversation on some of our most pressing issues of today. Some of Seattle’s most passionate activists will present.

Check out the Northwest Film Forum’s calendar for more information on upcoming films.

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Hillebrity | Ben DeLaCreme

 Ben DeLaCreme — Drag Queen

IMG_1135What is it like watching yourself on Drag Race each week along with hundreds of fans at Century Ballroom?

It’s amazing! It’s the first time I see any of it. It’s super surreal and weird to see this really intense thing you went through whittled down to a TV sized nugget, but it’s also incredibly exciting. And I LOVE doing the viewing parties. I think it would be a lot harder to watch on my own. I feel such an intense love for Seattle and I really feel supported by this community. Its a very vulnerable thing to be on reality TV- but at the Ballroom I know I’m in a room full of people who have got my back.

Watch Ben DeLaCreme on Rupaul’s Drag Race every Monday at Century Ballroom. You can also enjoy DeLaCreme’s introductions on every episode of the Capitol Hill web series.

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Hillebrity | Dillon Sturtevant & Lindsay Powers

 Dillon Sturtevant & Lindsay Powers — Camp Directors

IMG_7578What can campers expect to experience during the best of the northwest week at your Music and Movement camp?

Local Seattle Artists Week/Best of the Northwest is one of our favorite weeks because we get to teach kids about the city they are growing up in and the rich musical history right here in their town! The movement portion focuses on martial arts to honor local legends Bruce and Brandon Lee, making a real life connection by visiting their grave sites.  All week long we talk about Jimi Hendrix, Pearl Jam, and of course Nirvana as well as other local legends. We take a trip to Volunteer Park to visit the infamous donut shaped sculpture that Soundgarden named their hit “Black Hole Sun” after. The kids really get into the music the same way we got into the same music as kids, it’s simply a good time.

For more information and summer camp enrollment check out the Music and Movements website.

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Hillebrity | Natalie A. MartĂ­nez

 Natalie A. MartĂ­nez – Writer

IMG_3933Where do you like to write on and off the Hill?

I like being surrounded by people, objects. White noise and chaos. The smell of coffee and warmth. But I also need a view. A window. I have a few favorite spots in the city. Arabica. Cintli because it feels like I’m in the desert again. The historical Panama Tea House and Hotel in the International District. My room and desk that faces out onto Washington Hall and The Juvenile Detention Center. I love knowing that W.E.B DuBois and Billie Holiday performed there. The Detention Center reminds me of why I teach and write: ongoing injustice.

Place is extremely important to me, because I believe we reactivate spaces’ and their memories. Even objects accumulate resonance. Traffic. Wear and tear. Our affections. Like a coffee cup. Or a table. Or the graffiti marks on cafe window. A storefront’s broken door lock.We have relationships to places because they have memories. And those memories are larger parts of our imaginations. Something incredibly important to a writer. Any artist really. Maybe not everyone thinks about this consciously when they pick a space to work in or write from, but I do. My close friend Henry Quintero once told me I should learn to write uncomfortably. In the most literal sense. Write standing up. On a toilet. Anywhere. He’s probably right. Then you’d feel like you can produce writing under any condition. But, I’m not there yet.

Natalie A. Martínez will be reading with Molly Mac, Jed Murr, Kort Havens, and Brandon Herrell in “reiterations: an intertextual event” at Arabica Lounge at 7pm, March 1st.

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Hillebrity | Wishbeard

 Wishbeard – Band


What’s your ideal Valentine’s date & what song would soundtrack it?

Brighton: I spent Valentine’s Day two years ago, dancing to Whitney Houston, handing out Micheal Jordan Valentines and puking up tequila, in that order. I don’t ever think I’ll beat that one. That was the best. The hangover was the worst though…

Jude: We would take work off on Friday, drive to the ocean, ride surfboards all day and fall asleep listening to “Ladies and Gentlemen we are Floating in Space” by Spiritualized.

Bryn: I feel like I’m in an issue of Teenbeat.. Is that still a magazine? I’m not gonna lie, I am a total hopeless romantic so this is probably going to be very cheesy…or very helpful. Ideal date: 1. Cocktails at a cute bar–sets the mood for the evening. We get to relax & spend more time talking than we will the rest of the night because we’ll either be eating or doing it (not a lot of room for talking) 2. Dinner time–somewhere we never usually go, but we love and is always really special when we do. 3. Dessert– my favorite part! Go somewhere fancier because in all reality it won’t be that expensive for a couple of coffees and two superb desserts. Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” would be the soundtrack song.

Erin: Honestly, just something as simple as a dance party with my boo in our PJ’s to Duke Dumont’s “I Got U”

Wishbeard plays Vignette’s Love Party at Love City Love on Valentine’s Day. Doors at 7pm.

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Hillebrity | Jessica Atkinson

 Jessica Atkinson – Freelance Producer

IMG_3871What has been one of your favorite projects you have worked on?

With my role as bringing creative ideas to life, everyday is different depending on the project I am working on and who I am working with. Most of my experience is in events, and I have done some video production. I would have to say my favorite event was working with collaborative artist KeseyPollock this last June for their show at the Belltown Collective. Recently I got an amazing opportunity to work with Wexley School for Girls on a video. I believe all that I can tell you is that it involves a couple of Sasquatches. It was a treat to be able be part of their creative process. What I am up to now: Networking and finding the next opportunity, while enjoying working on photo projects, making dinner with friends, and writing a book.

Contact Jessica with projects involving producing events that focuses on integrating communities and art, experimental environment installations, or just needing to collaborate to figure out how to make your idea happen.

Previously on Hillebrity

Hillebrity | Kate Lebo

 Kate Lebo – Writer & Baker

IMG_3760When writing about pie you mix in history, literature, and poetry. What will we find besides recipes in your new cookbook?

Ultimately, like everything, this is a book that’s haunted by loss. Pie School: Lessons in Fruit, Flour & Butter celebrates pie as a symbol of Americana, but it’s suspicious of that symbolism. This cookbook is more interested in how pie frames something sweet that doesn’t last long–fruit. To paraphrase the poet Li-Young Lee, fruit doesn’t just take time to grow, it IS time. It is the days, the sun, the water, the dust. You eat an apple, you eat a year. That’s where loss comes in. Seasons turn, fruit ripens, fruit rots. To me, fruit pie is fascinating because it contains time with pastry.

In fact, in the Middle Ages pies were called “coffins”! In reference to their container-shape, not to their funereal talents.

In my pie-making classes and in this cookbook I try to make pie an approachable art, something that can be mastered once you understand how simple the form is. Pie is just a container with contents, just pastry and fruit. You get that, you get everything. Baking isn’t always a science. Like Strunk & White sort of say in The Elements of Style, once you understand the rules, you can (you must!) break them.

Kate will be reading from her book A Commonplace Book of Pie at the University book store January 23rd at 7pm. You can also attend Kate’s pie school at High 5 Pie January 27th from 5-8pm.

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Hillebrity | Amanda Manitach

 Amanda Manitach – Curator, Writer, Artist

IMG_3697Tell me about one thing you’re curating, one thing you’re writing, and about any art you’re currently working on.

Right now I’m working with Joey Veltkamp, Jen Graves, Susanna Bluhm and Susie Lee to host Seattle’s Women Conference at Hedreen Gallery on January 23rd. We’re going to discuss issues of gender in the arts, especially in the aftermath of the Elles exhibit at Seattle Art Museum.

I write a weekly column for City Arts that covers the openings and events I attend, so this week I’m covering the Blitz: New Mystics had an installation at SCCC that I really liked. Cairo’s Expo 91 has some really great pieces up right now: Carlos M. Ruiz’s Hitmonchan and JD Banke’s Fruit Bowl and Hannah Patterson’s WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHERE.

My first solo show in Seattle opens this week at Bryan Ohno Gallery. I never thought of myself as a painter, but I’ve been making a lot of pretty large (for me) watercolors for it. A lot of them of characters from Georges Bataille’s Story of the Eye.

Amanda’s solo show opens this Thursday, January 16th at Bryan Ohno Gallery from 6-8pm.

Previously on Hillebrity

Hillebrity | Bobbi Rich

 Bobbi Rich – DJ & Variety Show Host

IMG_7190What are some local bands you’d love to feature on Hangin Tuff? What are some well known bands you’d dream to make an appearance?

Oh man…. there are so many: Chastity Belt, Vince Mira, Lozen, TacocaT, Prom Queen, Your Young Body, Pony Time, Country Lips, Fox Hunt, Wounded Giant, Kairos, Katie Kate, The Wimps, and Thaddeus Turner to name more than a few.

The show is committed to featuring up and coming indie artists, so you’ll never see like a Katy Perry or something on it. BUT we do wish to have older artist who serve as inspirations, ones you may not see in the lime light as much any more. I’d love to have Grace Jones and Kate Bush on the show. I’d probably need a guest host though as I may not be able to even talk if Grace Jones was on, I would just stare at her with my jaw dropped. And Kate Bush… I would immediately challenge to a interpretive dance / lyrical jazz dance off that I know I would lose but would die trying to win.

We’d like to keep our home base in Seattle and feature local artist as well as ones that are visiting the city on tour. Shannon And The Clams for example, they’re out of SF, and are one of my favorites right now. We also have big dreams of taking our Hot Tub Boat & show on the road to other cities, and really bring you the best new up and comers from those places as well.

Watch the first episode of Hangin Tuff and donate to its indiegogo here. The first season will premier in its entirety at Central Cinema Thursday Feb 6th.

Previously on Hillebrity

Hillebrity | TacocaT

 TacocaT – Band

SAMSUNG CSCWhat were TacocaT’s biggest moments of 2013 and resolutions for 2014?

Our best moment of 2013 was: recording a full-length album called NVM. We also played the Comet a few days before it closed and met a bodybuilder there, we learned that leggings sometimes ARE pants, and discovered that the true meaning of Christmas is Mariah Carey. Our collective New Year’s Resolution is to tour this spring in a replica of the Spice Girls tour van from the movie Spice World.

The members of TacocaT DJ the Linda’s New Years Eve party and play at The Vera Project January 10th.

Previously on Hillebrity