Family has identified the man shot and killed as Elijah Lewis

(Image: SPD)
Seattle Police say there was a deadly shooting on Capitol Hill at Harvard and Pike just after 5 PM Saturday. Police say the suspect was arrested at the scene.
Seattle Fire was called to the area for a shooting involving two reported victims. Witnesses report ambulances carrying victims from the scene and nearby buildings in lockdown. SPD says a man in his 20s died at the hospital and a child was injured in the incident.

An update from the ownership at Life on Mars
According to East Precinct and Seattle Fire radio updates, the two victims were in a car found with its back window blasted out at the scene near E Pike in an apparent road rage shooting.
Police were looking for a shooter reportedly seen on foot near Broadway and Pine. Police say he was taken into custody and a firearm was recovered at the scene.
Seattle Fire tells CHS the 9-year-old boy in stable condition was taken to the hospital. SPD says the child is a nephew of the man who was killed and was in the front passenger seat of his uncle’s vehicle when the shooting occurred.
John Richards, co-owner of the nearby bar Life on Mars, posted an update on the situation and says a customer from the establishment rushed to the vehicle after the shooting and rendered aid.
UPDATE: Converge Media has identified the man who was killed as Elijah Lewis, a community builder and entrepreneur. Converge said friend and family were gathering for a vigil to remember Lewis Sunday afternoon at 3 PM at Broadway and Pine. Continue reading →