Capitol Hill Pets | Bossy — but not as fast as he used to be — Dash on 17th Ave

Dash and his pal Christopher were out walking their neighborhood along 17th Ave and Roy when CHS spotted them. Dash is ten, and maybe not as fast as he once was. But according to Christopher, he has found new ways to contribute. “He’s very bossy,” Christopher said.

Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.


Capitol Hill Pets | Holmes and his stylish bandana

Holmes, a six-month-old Golden Retriever, was out with his new friend Jennifer on their allowed quarantine walk. With isolation being the norm, Holmes and Jennifer are quickly becoming “best friends.” The bandana is just for style — not coronavirus.

Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Pets | Mosey on a Volunteer Park walk

CHS found Mosey and Emily moseying through Volunteer Park on a sunny afternoon. Mosey is a 13-year-old rescued herding mix who still goes on two two-mile walks every day. Mosey is “the best mannered person I know,” Emily says. Canines can’t carry COVID-19, so no need for social distancing from dogs when you give them pets. Just make sure that owners have at least a six-foot leash.

Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Pets | Brady on Broadway

Brady (Lab/Golden mix), and Eric (likely human mix), were sitting outside Vivace when they caught our eye. Brady is 15 and a half! and sweet as can be. Brady is a world traveler having marked his territory in Boston, London, and now Capitol Hill, Seattle. Brady and Eric have been together Brady’s entire existence on this planet, so be sure to stop and say hello. They’re lovely.

We ask photographer Alex Garland to follow marchers in the rain and do crazy things like trying to make yet another picture of yet another huge apartment building look interesting. We thought we’d ask him to do something a little more fun. Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Pets | ‘Bassadorable’ Cash at City Market — plus, a piñata full of tennis balls at the Tails of the City grand opening

Cash is a nine-year-old Basset/Lab mix — or a “Bassador, because she’s Bassadorable” according to her human, Brett. “She’s my favorite little lowrider. I got her when she was two, known her since she was a puppy. She was my mom’s neighbor’s dog and would continually break out to come see me. She picked me as her person and when they moved to Atlanta, she’s been joined at the hip.” She does all sorts of tricks including handshakes. CHS recommends saying hello.

Meanwhile, Capitol Hill canines, how does a tennis ball-filled piñata grab you? Sunday’s grand opening of new 12th Ave doggie daycare (and doggie hotel), the Capitol Hill expansion of Tails of the City, will give you a chance to check out the new facility below Velocity Dance along with a special treat — a piñata filled with tennis balls set to be ripped open around 4:30 PM.

We ask photographer Alex Garland to follow marchers in the rain and do crazy things like trying to make yet another picture of yet another huge apartment building look interesting. We thought we’d ask him to do something a little more fun. Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Pets | Goober and Rusty, the well behaved Capitol Hill newbies

Goober, a nine-year-old Chihuahua, and Rusty, a three-year-old Dachshund, are both rescues and new members to the Capitol Hill community. Jason, human, lives a few blocks away from the E Olive Way Starbucks and walk the Hill most mornings. While they may appear well trained, Jason assures us he’s done absolutely nothing, and they’re just good dogs. Continue reading

Capitol Hill Pets | Ada Ninkasi, the collie goddess of boop, headed to Volunteer Park

We found Ada and Suzi walking down 17th at Olive headed to Volunteer Park. Ada Ninkasi, — the Sumerian goddess of beer — is a four-year-old “red and white” Border Collie. Suzi, her human, has had her since she was 10 months old. A very agile pup, Ada can jump for a frisbee, boop it with her nose, leap again, and catch it. Give her a watch if you see her jumping around the park.

We ask photographer Alex Garland to follow marchers in the rain and do crazy things like trying to make yet another picture of yet another huge apartment building look interesting. We thought we’d ask him to do something a little more fun. Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Pets | Linus vs. the Cal Anderson Water Mountain

Brooke was enjoying the fountain at Cal Anderson with her Yorkie Poodle mix Linus when CHS stopped by for a chat. Brooke and Linus, a seven-year-old YorkiePoo, are Capitol Hill locals who visit Cal Anderson regularly. He loves running up and down in the fountain chasing water, so if you see them out, get ready for a show.

We ask photographer Alex Garland to follow marchers in the rain and do crazy things like trying to make yet another picture of yet another huge apartment building look interesting. We thought we’d ask him to do something a little more fun. Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Pets | Loki — ‘best dog ever’ — on Boylston

Duncan was drawing on a scrap piece of plywood and Loki was curled up next to him when CHS found them hanging out near Fred Wildlife Refuge on Boylston. When approached, Loki became a wiggly-butted, happy, and gentle mix of Pit Bull and Lab. A rescue that’s been with Duncan for three and a half years, Loki will be four in October. Loki is assuredly one of the sweetest pups on Capitol Hill. “He’s the best dog ever,” Duncan says.

We ask photographer Alex Garland to follow marchers in the rain and do crazy things like trying to make yet another picture of yet another huge apartment building look interesting. We thought we’d ask him to do something a little more fun. Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.

Capitol Hill Pets | Neverending Lola at Chuck’s

Joel Shackelford and Lola, the seven-year-old Shitzu, were found catching some rays on the patio of Chuck’s Hop Shop in the Central District. While Lola is technically his fiancee’s dog, Joel has been part of the pack for 5 years now. “Lola looks like Falcor from the Neverending Story, and if I picture that face, I can see her on anything. A born superstar,” he says. While we haven’t seen her fly, we know she’s great at lying down in the sun. Continue reading