Cash is a nine-year-old Basset/Lab mix — or a “Bassador, because she’s Bassadorable” according to her human, Brett. “She’s my favorite little lowrider. I got her when she was two, known her since she was a puppy. She was my mom’s neighbor’s dog and would continually break out to come see me. She picked me as her person and when they moved to Atlanta, she’s been joined at the hip.” She does all sorts of tricks including handshakes. CHS recommends saying hello.
Meanwhile, Capitol Hill canines, how does a tennis ball-filled piñata grab you? Sunday’s grand opening of new 12th Ave doggie daycare (and doggie hotel), the Capitol Hill expansion of Tails of the City, will give you a chance to check out the new facility below Velocity Dance along with a special treat — a piñata filled with tennis balls set to be ripped open around 4:30 PM.
We ask photographer Alex Garland to follow marchers in the rain and do crazy things like trying to make yet another picture of yet another huge apartment building look interesting. We thought we’d ask him to do something a little more fun. Capitol Hill Pets is a semi-regular look at our furry, fuzzy, feathered, and finned friends found out and about on Capitol Hill.