On leafy 13th Ave E, some speak up for two 40-foot trees set to fall for sidewalk improvements — UPDATE

By Ryan Packer

The fate of two Norway Maples along one of Capitol Hill’s most leaf-covered residential streets seems sealed— but some neighbors are hoping to influence the decision at the last minute. 13th Ave E, with its unique curving streetscape, features a lush tree canopy along most of its length.

But a project moving forward to replace two houses currently occupied as duplexes with five rowhouses has led the city toward the determination that two 40-foot-tall trees in the planting strip along 13th cannot stay. With the new homes comes rebuilt curb ramps, and ripping up the sidewalk to install new ramps will do too much damage to the trees, according to the City of Seattle.

“After more than a year of review of the project site and design requirements, there were no options to meet SDOT Traffic or Urban Forestry standards for public safety and accessibility without removal and replacement of the trees,” reads an email sent by SDOT Arborist Ben Roberts that was posted by a concerned neighbor at the site within the past few days. According to the city, a notice was posted alerting nearby residents that the trees would be removed, but that notice is no longer there as of this week.
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Review board approves early design for five-story 13th Ave E development

Developer Bradley Khouri discusses shadowing at Wednesday's design review session (Images: CHS)

Developer Bradley Khouri discusses shadowing at Wednesday’s design review session (Images: CHS)

Saying that they felt the project’s design made a commendable effort to fit into the “changing” neighborhood around it, the East Design Review Board Wednesday night signed off on the early design guidance proposal for a five-story apartment project destined to join a block of 13th Ave E and neighbor landmark co-op The Maryland.

In front of a packed audience of Maryland residents and residents from single family homes and other apartment buildings in the neighborhood, Bradley Khouri of Capitol development and architecture firm b9 made his case that the 614 13th Ave E project planned to add 20 market-rate apartment units to the street had been shaped for the block just north of E Mercer and was respectful of its future neighbor, The Maryland co-operative. “We feel that we are trying to be very deferential to it,” Khouri said.

It was one of many moments that drew mostly quiet groans from some in the crowd who were waiting for their turn to speak during public comment to echo the issues around height, bulk, and scale CHS reported on earlier this week. Others said they were pleased at some of the rapid progress Khouri and b9 had already made to listen to concerns about the loss of trees and greenery and make a project that lives up to the area’s zoning potential without completely altering the block’s character.

Not everybody was satisfied, of course. “There’s an amazing kind of porch transitional zone,” in the area, one speaker said, lamenting the project’s impact to the street’s “neighborly porchiness.”

“I think you’re maximizing profit,” another said, with complaints about the project’s plans to rise to five stories and to not be set back far enough from adjacent buildings.

“You shouldn’t be maximizing. You should be fitting it in.”

The board’s decision moves the project forward in the design review process where the next round will focus on tweaks suggested in the early design guidance session and elements like materials and finishing. The next review is not yet scheduled.

Proposed five-story development gets cold reception from 13th Ave E neighbors

Plans for 13th Ave E

Plans for 13th Ave E

The future view on 13th north of Mercer

The future view on 13th north of Mercer

It takes a brave person to develop a five-story building on 13th Ave E between a landmark 1910-built cooperative and a $1 million home. Many neighbors are looking forward to meeting him Wednesday night at the latest gathering of the East Design Review Board. Meanwhile, First Hill’s famous pavement parks will soon have more residents to enjoy them as a triangular lot where Union meets University is reviewed for a six-story, mixed-use addition to the neighborhood.

13th Ave E
The historic cooperative The Maryland on 13th Ave E just north of E Mercer has 20 units. Residents in most if not all of them have already written to the review board to lodge their complaints about the project’s height, bulk, and scale in this quiet patch of Capitol Hill between the Broadway corridor and 15th Ave’s commercial district.

There are also concerns about the loss of sunlight and the leafy lot where behind an old garage where the project is planned: Continue reading

CHS Pics | Since 1937, a Taste of Russia on Capitol Hill

(Images: CHS)

(Images: CHS)

IMG_7564Even as its neighborhood grows up around it, 13th Ave’s Saint Nicholas Cathedral continued 77 years of tradition Saturday with a day of crafts, caviar and vodka.

The annual Taste of Russia celebration on Capitol Hill usually coincides with the relatively gargantuan Greek Festival down in Montlake. On 13th, the lines were shorter and you could find way more caviar. Uncle Vanya’s Vodka Hunt surely finished off any regrets over missed gyros.

Consecrated in December 1937, Saint Nicholas has remained part of the neighborhood long after the communities it serves have drifted off the Hill and even as other are connections to the Motherland have been targeted for protest. Still, it remains an active and colorful neighborhood landmark — especially on the yearly Taste of Russia Saturday.

Last year, a construction project some 80 years in waiting was finished to complete the original plans for the cathedral.

The cathedral is located at 1714 13th Ave. You can learn more at saintnicholascathedral.org.

More pictures, below.


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