Home Zones and Zones de Rencontre: A Follow-up to Signs & Signals

An entrance to a Zone de Rencontre

As a follow-up to my previous post about enhancing the area around the future light rail station and streetcar line by suggesting pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements, I have drawn up some signage that resembles Home Zone (UK) and Zone de Rencontre (France & Belgium) signs. This signage is an example of easily understandable and easily visible signage that can make the road safer for everyone. Also, unlike the signage at the Market (I noticed that some disliked the signage at the market, or had just never even seen it.), these signs would be placed at the drivers’ eye level at all major entrances to specially zoned street areas.

Broadway/Nagle would be more reminiscent of a Home Zone layout, whereas other areas could be designed Zone de Rencontre, or “Convergent Zones.” These specific zones are fantastic examples of successful pedstrian/bike/car integration. They limit traffic, provide a safe environment for people not in cars, and act as a multi-modal connection point for neighborhoods.

The first example is a sign that would be placed at major intersections on Broadway. It clearly shows the types of alternative transports that you will encounter on the road, as well as the familiar old car. It also clearly states the speed limit in a large easy to read font.

The second example is a sign that would be placed on specific alleys or side streets that have been converted into a Zone de Rencontre (think woonerf). It clearly shows the types of alternative transports that a person may encounter while using the road, as well as the familiar old car again. It also clearly states the speed limit in a large easy to read font. The speed limit has been dramatically reduced to offer a safer experience for pedestrians as well.

Much like the previous post on safety, signals, and signage; I strongly encourage discussion. Community dialogue breeds ideas!


For more ideas on the reshaping of Capitol Hill’s streetscape, visit Open Alleyways.

Preparing Broadway for rail: signage and signals

As the streetscape around Broadway changes to accommodate heavier pedestrian, bicycle, and rail use, one significant issue that we need to address is how these modes of transport will intermingle with car traffic. SDOT is currently studying traffic patterns on Broadway to gain a grasp on feasibility of different route options along Broadway. If these studies do indicate that a plan like the one suggested by the CHCC works, it might be on our best interests to start thinking of ways to maximize safety in a road pattern that will be completely new to Seattle.

An example of a bicycle traffic signal in Amsterdam.

One great way to maximize bicycle safety on our new cycle track would be to install bike specific traffic signals at major intersections. These signals work exactly like the ones for cars, but are timed so bicycles are using the intersection independent of other traffic. The basic setup, as seen in Amsterdam, goes something like this:


  • Bike and car signals are red – pedestrians okay to cross
  • Pedestrian and car signals are red – bikes have the intersection
  • Bike and pedestrian signals are red – cars have the intersection

The use of these devices could minimize on safety concerns, as well as the age old driver gripe of “these bikes are always in my way!”


A sign at the Market broadcasting the pedestrian right of way

As far as pedestrian matters go, proper signage is key for pedestrian safety on mixed rights of way. Signs placed in the drivers’ line of sight that clearly mark pedestrian right of way will be key. In this instance we do not have to look very far for inspiration. Seattle’s pedestrian/car/bicycle mixed use enclave, Pike Place Market, provides us with an excellent example of easy to understand and easy to see signage that could be used in similar projects around the city.

With minor improvements like this, the street has great potential be much more inviting to bicyclists and pedestrians alike. As planning progresses on this project, safety will definitely be a priority to continue to bring up at community meetings. So, I say why not start discussing openly now? Who doesn’t enjoy feeling safe, right? I would encourage anyone with ideas on safety improvements to add their ideas in the comments, as well as discussions throughout the community in general.


For more ideas on the reshaping of Capitol Hill’s streetscape, visit Open Alleyways.