Author Archives: MRK
12th Ave safety project ready to present early study, gather feedback

We at the Capitol Hill Community Council have been working in coordination with the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and Department of Transportation on a Neighborhood Matching Fund project focused on making traveling along 12th Ave. and 12th Ave. E. safer for all: pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
We recently hired SvR Design to serve as our transportation consultant, and in the months ahead, we will together be preparing a list of recommendations on how to make this street safer. Our anticipation is that SDOT will implement several of the measures identified in our recommendations report in the years ahead, but only if they see that this is a community priority.
12th Avenue Traffic Safety public meeting
When: 6pm Wed., Oct. 26
Where: Capitol Hill Branch of the Seattle Public Library (425 Harvard Ave. E.)
Successful civic efforts such as this require extensive community engagement. So far, dozens of community members have been involved in this project, but we need still more people’s voices to be heard. Participating in the public meeting on the 26th is one of the best ways for members of the Capitol Hill community to get involved in making our neighborhood safer.
At the public meeting, SvR will be presenting their early observations and gathering community members’ valuable input. It is vital that members of our community participate in this process, identifying areas of particular concern and suggestions for how they can be improved.