The economy’s hurting and you know the small shops that make our city so great will be in rough shape this holiday season if we don’t do something to help. So. Dear, cynical Seattle. Help stimulate our city.
City Stimulus is throwing the party of the year, and you’re invited. We’re starting a grass-roots marketing campaign to urge buyers to shop local and to shop small. To forego the super-mega-big-box for the local and the curated, the innovative and the hand made.
Now is the time to get the word out, and City Stimulus is here to help. To help level the playing field, spread the hope from politics to retail, make it a great holiday shopping season for you and your favorite small businesses. To help each other.
It’s like a bar hopping but with both retail and restaurants. A bunch of small businesses in the Capitol Hill and Downtown areas are offering special promotions on Dec. 4-7.