How to Avoid the Madison Market Bag Fee

As part of my protest to only support meaningful environmentalism at the expense of feel-good environmentalism, I have found that you can grab an extra couple of bags from Trader Joes and “re-use” them at Madison Market. Madison Market has decent produce – TJ’s does not.

Also: commenters advise you to keep your eyes out for the extra bags they provide for reuse at the front.

Also, has any post ever received a net “-1” score before?

Madison Market’s 10 Cent Bag Fee needs to go

Every time I go to Madison Market, I check out with a bad taste in my mouth. The checker is there, watching me to see if I take a bag so they can punish me with a surcharge. It’s annoying. It doesn’t make me bring my own bag – it just makes me annoyed with Madison Market and the holier-than-thou crowd. 

This is from a guy who drives a car that gets 35+ miles to the gallon. I bring bags to the store – when I haven’t used them all for garbage bags. I am seriously concerned about global warming. But I am thoroughly annoyed by grocery bag fees.

I will be protesting the Block Party Crashers in spirit this weekend. This tax is a bad idea. It won’t impact the amount of garbage Seattle hauls in any significant way (i.e. changing weight or volume by more than 1%), and it gives people who are on the fence about environmentalism a really bad feeling about it – by giving them an annoying reminder of the “nanny state” every time they check out. 

Ways we could *actually* make the city greener:


  • tax gasoline
  • charge people a congestion tax on the freeway
  • increase fees for garbage collection
  • Increase electricity fees and give a fixed rebate back to low-income households
  • Increase natural gas fees and give a fixed rebate back to low-income households
  • pay people to not cut down large trees on their properties

If you could get just one green initiative passed per year – just one thing that would make the world greener – this is it? It’ll take 1,000 years at this rate!

Street View 12th Ave find: Angry cop and construction dude

In Google StreetView. Any idea what they are “discussing”?

Can’t embed here (wish I could!), so you’ll have to click:
cop and dude “discussing”

Update from jseattle: We have a solution to allow anybody to embed that we’re ready to roll out any day now. In meantime, I can do it for you. Here’s your Street View find from 12th Ave E. Looks like a meter maid is doing some lecturing!

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