so i know a lot of parents post here and, for some reason, parents seem to know more than school staff about this issue.
my question is: who should i e-mail to protest school closures, and who should i send a letter to?
i’m in the teacher certification program at seattle u and my cohort members and i would really like to protest the closings of tt minor and meany (i know tt minor is in the CD but they are our friends and it’s close enough to radio point).
i saw the letter from the meany ptsa that was cross-posted to miller park blog & cdn but couldn’t find out WHO in seattle public schools i was supposed to address my complaint to.
we cannot, for the life of us, figure out who we are supposed to contact. everyone, even our teachers, have conflicting information.
who knows?
Update by jseattle 12/8/2008 at 9:58 AM
Here is the process set up by the school board. I would start with this — with friends and neighbors dragged with me. There will be press coverage and a fair amount of attention so it’s one way to get yourself heard. More ideas below.
In order to strengthen academic programs across Seattle
Public Schools and protect its long-term financial health, the
School District is now considering building closures. Public
hearings will be held at buildings proposed for closure from
6:30-8:30 p.m. on the days and locations below.
Monday, Dec. 15, 2008
▪ T.T. Minor – 1700 E. Union St.
▪ Pinehurst – 11530 12th Ave. N.E.
▪ Van Asselt – 7201 Beacon Ave. S.
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008
▪ Genesee Hill – 5012 S.W. Genesee St.
▪ Mann – 2410 E. Cherry St.
▪ Old Hay – 411 Boston St.
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008
▪ Lowell – 1058 E. Mercer St.
Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker,
and should focus on the school building about which the
hearing is being held. To sign up to give testimony, please
call (206) 252-0042 or e-mail [email protected].
For more information, visit,
and select “Capacity Management.” Comments may be
e-mailed to [email protected], schoolboard@, or mailed to School Board,
P.O. Box 34165, MS 11-010, Seattle, WA, 98124-1165.
Try to form a group of friends and neighbors and give yourself a name like 13th Ave Friends of Lowell or somesuch. Write a short, cogent position. Put everybody’s name on it. Send. Repeat. And get one of your group to sign up to speak at the public hearings. You might also consider posting the letter here and asking people to sign on via the site.