Wanted: Walkable sidewalk

I wrote a note to the powers-that-be at [email protected]. In hopes that this gets more eyeballs and support, I’m posting below:

I kindly request a repair to the sidewalk corner sidewalk access ramps at 15th Ave & E Olive, on the northwest and northeast corners. Both corners have little or no access ramps and one corner’s concrete is in severe disrepair. There are three reasons for this request:

1. The sidewalks at these corners are very uneven and dangerous walkways. They are among the most uneven that I have seen in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. With two grocery stores and a new park within two blocks, this is a major pedestrian zone.

2. I see a blind woman walk this block multiple times every week. These corners must be very difficult to navigate for a blind person.

3. There is a senior citizen community one block away, and as a result I see more people in wheel chairs cross these corners than I see on the average corner in Seattle. Again this makes wheelchair access impossible for our elderly and disabled population.

I realize there is one manhole on each corner, and while this may make repair more difficult, it is still certainly possible. And for the above reasons, repair is advisable. Please consider this request from a neighbor in the area.

More PARK Less ING

Today was the first I’ve seen of the groundbreaking at the parking lot at E Howell & 16th. So it’s no mole, but it can rip asphalt up.

Set to be done in fall 2010, last I heard.

Editor’s note: Thanks for posting this. We have an update on all things Capitol Hill parks coming soon. In meantime, we’ve heard that the Seven Hills Park project pictured here should be ready this summer. There have been a few delays so we’ll make sure to ask about the updated timeline for this project, too. The Summit/John park had been slated for a March groundbreaking (hey, that’s now!) and was targeting a fall 2010 opening. BTW, by groundgreaking, Parks Department means this not the actual construction. Anyway, sorry for the confusion. So many parks!
— jseattle 

Reminder: Fundraiser & Photo Exhibit Tonight

A quick reminder that tonight at 7 p.m. we’ll be holding a photography exhibit and fundraiser for a very worthy organization that will give rural Peruvians access to clean, safe drinking water. It’s a free exhibit and all proceeds go to buying water filters. $10 takes care of an entire family!


Thursday, April 2, 7-10 p.m.
“Electric Tea Garden” studio space
1402 E Pike (at 14th Ave.)

p.s. I tried out the ad system on this blog to promote the event. It’s economical and easy — think about using it for your event or business, no matter how large or small…

A Peru Photography Exhibit & Fundraiser on Capitol Hill

My wife is one of 20 Capitol Hill students, professors and doctors who recently traveled to rural Peru on a volunteer healthcare mission. On Thursday, April 2, at 7 p.m. they will hold a photography exhibit and fundraiser from this life-changing experience at the Electric Tea Garden in Capitol Hill. They will serve drinks and discuss how they positively impacted impoverished Peruvian communities.

The faces in these photographs are just indescribable – please show up for a good cause and an amazing exhibit.

Admission is free and all donations and sales from the photography exhibit will go directly toward installing water filters in the same villages where they volunteered. Without access to safe drinking water, there are many health risks and a little goes along way down there.

Thursday, April 2, from 7 to 10 p.m.
“Electric Tea Garden” studio space
1402 E Pike (at 14th Ave.)

Please stop in anytime from 7 to 10 p.m. to see the photographs and spread the word!

What’s on your Capitol Hill soundtrack?

I get obsessed with albums. Not singles. One reason why iTunes bums me out.

Some albums I get hooked on have strong connections to the place where I listen to them. Living in New York, these were a few albums that perfectly fit the City:

Turn on the Bright Lights (Interpol)
1969: Velvet Underground Live (Velvets!)
Exile on Main Street  (Stones)
Let It Bleed (Stones)
Sketches of Spain (Miles Davis)
Any Lake Trout show (ok, not an album…)
Blueprint (Jay-Z)

So what albums fit the walks, drives and coffee shops of Capitol Hill and greater Seattle? Not necessarily local bands, but music that fits the vibe of the town. Here’s my start:

After the Gold Rush (Neil Young)
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space (Spiritualized)
41 (Swell)
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (Neutral Milk Hotel)
Oracular Spectacular (MGMT)

A strange mix I guess. Is NYC the rock and Capitol Hill the roll? What would you add?

p.s. will give my second old copy of 41 to the first commenter who wants it…

Lazy Sunday

Sunday in Capitol Hill or: How I Learned to Stop Loving New York

 – get up, to Victrola for latte or doppio

 – walk home on 17th, look at tree colors, other pedestrians, For Sale signs

 – NYTimes, Miles

 – trip to Bitters in Fremont to see Katie the super owner, find iron works studio on the way

 – walk down to Baguette Box for lamb and yogurt sandwich, head to the park if sunny or a dry bench along the sidewalk if it’s raining

 – check street art along Pike

 – more music, split wood for the fireplace, guitar, catch up on magazines, catch a movie, head to Trader Joe’s for indian food for dinner and mint chocolate chip for dessert, maybe check work email, relax

Zaw vs. Pizza Fusion

J threw down the guantlet. So not sure if this is old news, new news or no news, but looks like a place called Zaw is coming to the storefront at 15th & Pine. Zaw makes fresh/organic/healthy/non-NYC pizza. Which is strange because Matt recently announced Pizza fusion, purveyor of fresh/organic/healthy/non-NYC pizza, will soon arrive just down the street at 12th & Pike.


p.s. throwing the gauntlet back to you J: how tough is it to incorporate a rich text editor here? I’m lazy… ;)