CHS Community Post | Neighborhood BBQ and Council/School Board Candidate event

Miller-BBQ_02aPlease join your neighbors at Miller Community Center on Wednesday September 16th.
Miller Community Center will provide (some) food and many hot coals for you to BBQ your dinner. Please bring something to share as well.

All of the candidates for School Board and City Council will stop by during the event. Ask them all your pressing questions. Here’s their best guess as to when they will be here. (updated as of 9/14/15).

(Council candidates probably will leave by 5 PM, due to GSBA event at 5:30)

Probably going to be very rainy, so we’ll all be cosying up together in the multipurpose room.

Council Position 3 (i.e. OUR district)

Sawant: between other events
Banks: 4 – 5 PM

Council Position 8 (Citywide)
Grant: 3:30 PM
Burgess 4 – 5 PM

Council Position 9 (Citywide)
Bradburd: yes
Gonzalez: yes

School Board Position 3 (General Election citywide)
McGuire: Yes
Geary: 5:30 – 7

School Board Position 6 (General Election citywide)
Harris: Yes
McLaren: 3 – 4 PM.

We’ll also have time to chat about our neighborhood issues, and about any activities we want to arrange.

CHS Community Post | Volunteers (especially Spanish speakers) needed for Community Center Holiday Party on Dec. 13th

miller_xmasMiller Community Center and the Country Doctor Community Clinic (both on 19th, north of Thomas) host an annual giant holiday party for the clinic’s patients and other (mostly disadvantaged) families in Seattle. Kids from 0 to 10 years old enjoy games and receive presents, and everyone gets a holiday meal.

This is a large event that provides lunch, entertainment, and more than 1000 gifts to local children. The party is Saturday, December 13th from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

We can certainly use all people who are willing to volunteer; however, we see a LARGE population of Spanish speaking families – we could definitely use folks who speak/understand Spanish/English

All the details:
December 13, 2014
10 a.m. -2 p.m.
Miller Community Center
330 19th Ave E, Seattle WA 98112

Contact Lori Van Norman 206.684.5978 [email protected]

Miller Community Center, is looking for volunteers to help with activities during our annual holiday party on December 13 from 10 a.m. -2 p.m. We are asking for help since it is a large event with over 3000 attendees. Attendees are provided lunch, activities, and presents. This is in partnership with Country Doctor.

We need help from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. with face painting, crafts, serving food, distributing toys and monitoring parking lots.

We also need help with clean up from 1:45-4 p.m.

For more information please contact Lori Van Norman at 206.684.5078 or [email protected]

To get the flavor, here are lots of pictures from the party in 2010, which served 1,660 kids:

East District Council meeting: much less snoozy than normal – Monday 6 PM

Several interesting items on the East District Council Agenda! See you at 6PM in the upstairs meeting room of the Capitol Hill Library.

• Councilmember Burgess visits to talk about the upcoming City Budget, and anything else you want to share with him.

• Betsy Graef, the Community Police Commison Acting Director will introduce herself, tell us what she does, and will return for a longer meeting, if that’s what we all want.

• Presentations by the Pro and Anti “Charter 19 Amendment – Districts Now” people.

• Albert Shen, candidate  for City Council wants to introduce himself . I’ve invited his opponent, incumbent Mile O’Brien.

• The Bylaws committee will present and describe its work, designed mainly to make our Neighborhood Matching Fund deliberations more representaive.

Hope to see you there: I’ll have my gavel ready to try and keep the meeting on time, so we can address all those issues before the library kicks us out at 7:45.

Andrew Taylor, Chair

Yet another Mayoral Candidate Forum

This one is at (awkward to get to) City Hall, 6 – 8 PM on Wednesday, run by District Councils and the City Neighborhood Council. Members of those groups have submitted appropriately geeky questions, but maybe you can submit yours. Likely to be lightly attended, so if you really want to pin a candidate in the corner and grill them, this would be the place to do it.


East District Council meeting: Monday June 10th

Nothing terribly exciting this month, but maybe that’s good!

In brief: Community Police Team officer, maybe the City Arborist, then assorted procedural stuff.

East District Council
Monday, June 10, 2013
5:45 pm – 7:45 pm
Capitol Hill Branch, Seattle Public Library
425 Harvard Avenue East

Agenda on the East District Council blog:

along with meeting minutes, description of the District Council, etc:

Agenda will include our Community Police Team Officer and MAY include a visit from the City Arborist (if confirmed):

New Street Tree Ordinance –
·      Seattle’s Street Tree ordinance has not been changed since 1961.  Hightlights of what the new ordinance looks like.

He would also be available to discuss neighbors’ concerns about proposed street tree removals.

Andrew Taylor, Chair, East District Council, [email protected]

East District Council meets with Assistant City Attorney on Monday

The East District Council will meet from 5:45 to 7:45 on Monday, May 13th in the upstairs meeting room at the Capitol Hill Public Library, 425 Harvard Avenue East.

Last month’s East District Council meeting with East Precinct Police staff brought a larger than normal crowd, several with tales of chronic neighborhood public safety/order issues that they have been unable to address.

At Monday’s East District Council meeting, we will meet with Matthew York, as Assistant City Attorney assigned to the Police Department’s East Precinct. He will help us to learn what non-SPD resources may help neighbors address this kind of long-standing neighborhood problem.  In past years the East Precinct’s Assistant City Attorney has been of great help with problem bars on Madison, etc.
We will also have an update from Seattle Department of Transportation on the First Hill Streetcar.
For other agenda items, description of the East District Council, etc I refer you to the recently started East District Council blog.