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This week in CHS history | Pandemic’s first weeks, Capitol Hill Station plaza opens, Aquarian Foundation loses Safeway redevelopment appeal, Piecora’s demolished

Here are the top stories from this week in CHS history:



With bargains, bands, and booze, Punk Rock Flea Market will take over Capitol Hill QFC destined for redevelopment

It has been anything but ‘rapid’ but RapidRide G bus transit project is now lined up for end of summer start

Just how Trump-y are you Capitol Hill Republicans, anyhow?

Red Cedar Elementary — The long path to rename a Capitol Hill school has families and staff closer to achieving their goal

Hearing Examiner dismisses Capitol Hill new age church’s appeal against neighboring Safeway redevelopment



This old Capitol Hill building is probably not a landmark

Koko’s Restaurant — which grew into one of the ‘Best Restaurants in Washington State’ in Seabrook — coming to Capitol Hill’s 10th Ave

Man and woman who died in 23rd Ave apartment fire identified

The Cuff turns 30 with a party celebrating ‘Life, Lust and Debauchery on Capitol Hill’



Victim in Saturday stabbing homicide identified — 2nd Capitol Hill homeless man murdered this month

Capitol Hill Station’s escalator problems apparently here to stay

Stumbling Monk pouring again on changing E Olive Way corner

Number one question CHS readers have about Capitol Hill: Why isn’t H Mart open yet?



UPDATE: Rocket! — Reports and videos from across city as streaking lights cross Seattle sky

Uptick in King County positive cases tempers Seattle’s vaccination progress and Phase 3 enthusiasm

Death of a Capitol Hill candy shop

With the opening of Capitol Hill Station’s plaza, a new home awaits the Capitol Hill Farmers Market starting in April

Capitol Hill’s streets filling with pandemic-era restaurant patios — Will they stay?



New views of Seattle’s COVID-19 crisis: a forecast for ‘peak’ outbreak and a count of confirmed cases around Capitol Hill and the Central District — UPDATE

COVID-19 updates: Seattle 8 PM — clap hands, raise voices, bang some pots and pans, Plus, Inslee’s ‘glimmer of hope’

With tighter restrictions bringing more Capitol Hill closures, Seattle Police have 11 tips for ‘securing your business’

Tip from recycling center helps police track down stolen Arboretum gates — but not before one was cut down for scrap

Seattle Police clear Cal Anderson Park over COVID-19 concerns — ‘Your current conduct is placing yourself and your fellow Seattleites in danger’



A colorful start to Seattle’s First Hill Streetcar testing

Joe Buckets busted for Pike/Pine street noise

Spaghetti Western — Hill’s first and possibly last pasta and BBQ joint — is closing

Piecora’s demolition underway as design comes together for future mixed-use building



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