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Capitol Hill grocery stores have been doing it for years — Now, the city is looking at one Seattle Safeway to see if closing off second entrance is unsafe

The 15th/John Safeway (Image: Google Maps)

The companies behind Capitol Hill’s grocery stores will be watching as the city considers a complaint against a Seattle Safeway over the practice of closing off second entrances as the big chains try to deter shoplifters and thieves.

A “Notice of Violation” over city code was issued first in January to the 8340 15th Ave NW Safeway over a complaint about the grocery’s shutdown of one of its two entrances.

“Safeway is operating in violation of condition #4 established for the permanent life of the project for permit #673693,” the city’s record of the complaint reads. “Maintain the two main entries adjacent to the sidewalk, and ensure that both doors are open during normal daytime business hours, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on all working days.”

Lawyers for the chain have requested a review and maintain that the closed Crown Hill entryway is legal and can still be opened. The city has asked for all information for the review to be submitted by March 18th before a decision can be reached.

The chain could face penalties of up to $500 a day if it is found to be in violation and doesn’t remedy the situation.

KOMO was first to report on the situation here.

The semi-permanent closure of entryways to restrict customers to one entry and exit has been a popular tactic for grocery chains hoping to deter crime. CHS first reported on the issue in 2018 as QFC was sealing off its secondary entrances. The 15th and John Safeway also sealed off its eastern entrance in recent years.

Permits show that the Crown Hill Safeway has undergone several recent updates to reduce theft. Similar efforts have also played out inside Capitol Hill’s grocery stores including indignities like this plexiglass maze installed in the Broadway Market QFC in 2022.

A check of Capitol Hill’s grocery store addresses show no similar complaints, yet, over the closed entryways.



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12 hours ago

Maybe the dopes as city hall can actually address the real problem at stores and that’s shoplifting. There are no consequences and then prices go up for everyone else.

4 hours ago
Reply to  Hillery

I mean, I’m far left and agree this is too much. Absolute waste of tax dollars and energy that could be better directed.

11 hours ago

The Safeway on Madison has had its second set of doors closed for years now…. and blocked them with carts, so there’s no saying that they are available for emergency exit..

They’ve never put locks on the ice cream cases, but they’ve done just about everything else they can to make it unpleasant to shop there…

They’ve taken away all the baskets, it’s get a cart or nothing..
They barely open their checkouts, two self checks (the credit only ones) and usually all but one of the clerked check out lines are closed 99% of the time.
They have a ridiculous tolerance for pets in the store. There’s nearly aways dogs in the store and believe me these are 100% pets, not service dogs – they’ve been observed to stick their faces in the meat cases, crap on the floor and get into fights inside the store.

Poop Ship Destroyer
Poop Ship Destroyer
4 hours ago
Reply to  Nandor

To be fair, actual people have also been observed to stick their faces in the meat cases, crap on the floor and get into fights inside the store.

11 hours ago

How do I file a complaint against the Safeway at 15th and John? Closing the door on 15th was the first inconvenience, but everything they have done in the name of safety has made me just not want to shop there. They seem allergic to hiring staff, but then hire 3rd party, non-union security that make everyone feel like a criminal.

7 hours ago
Reply to  DD15

shop the Madison store…completely different experience.

4 hours ago
Reply to  DD15

No, no they don’t. I’ve not once felt like a criminal. I’m all for them checking receipts now as an extra level of deterrence. If anything, it keeps them actually working and not on their phones or chatting doing nothing

Poop Ship Destroyer
Poop Ship Destroyer
4 hours ago
Reply to  DD15

How do I file a complaint against the Safeway at 15th and John?

Maybe the Safeway bebsite…err, hebsite….no that’s not it…rebsite??? Oh man, I don’t know….

11 hours ago

 8340 15th Ave NW Safeway is a war zone. I can’t shop there. Last time I went was enough for me.

10 hours ago

Safeway on 15th.
Safeway on Madison.
Both QFCs on Broadway.
Grocery stores closing their pedestrian entrances has become rampant, and it’s a blow to the walkability of our neighborhoods. Glad to hear the city is doing something about it.

5 hours ago
Reply to  Gordon

If they are forced to open the doors, and shoplifting increases, are you ok with paying even higher prices?

9 hours ago

“indignities like this plexiglass maze”

lol, how is a plexiglass wall with two obvious entry points and one obvious exit point an indignity or a maze?

Poop Ship Destroyer
Poop Ship Destroyer
4 hours ago
Reply to  Boris

Life is a struggle, friend.

8 hours ago

It is time for both QFCs and Safeway to open both entrances again and for the city to provide greater enforcement against shoplifting. The closing of the doors has made these stores and the streetscape much less inviting, which only contributes to the problems created by homeless drug addicts. I have always thought that closing the second entrance must be creating multiple code violations. I am glad that someone finally has shined a spotlight on this issue.

7 hours ago

All Safeways have been closing one exit everyday for at least 2-3 years now. There are 3 close to me but when I go to other stores out of my area in the evening, one exit is always closed. You would think they know they’re breaking the law.

Poop Ship Destroyer
Poop Ship Destroyer
4 hours ago
Reply to  Bree

You would think they know they’re breaking the law.

Are you referring to the people stealing from the store multiple times a day?

6 hours ago

You walk around QFC or Safeway, and you can see people shoplifting sometimes. And you just see sketchy people in general.

When I walk around Trader Joe’s, I never see either. I have been in each store hundreds of times, so this is not a small sample size. All three stores have security.

Why is there such a massive discrepancy?

4 hours ago
Reply to  Noticer

Interesting question and see the same now that you bring it up. Wonder if the increased density of both patrons and workers decreases how comfortable people are shop lifting.

3 hours ago
Reply to  Noticer

May be a different story if TJ was not off the beaten path

4 hours ago

QFC Broadway they shoplift and go out the fire door at the back by the milk section. They can’t lock it, as it’s the fire door. Alarm sounds, but they are gone. This whole discussion seems to ignore that these stores have fire exits. The wider issue is the viability of running a grocery store in some of these locations. If I was Safeway and QFC I would be downsizing.

3 hours ago

Be careful what you wish for. They could just decide to close the store. Grocery stores have low margins to begin with and now have higher costs with extra security, shrinkage, high labor costs, redesigning the store every month to deter shoplifters. There’s a point where it becomes unprofitable.