January 24th: Light projection artist @lightguerrilla illuminated display at Cal Anderson Park. (Image: @streetphotojournalism)

Demonstrators marching off the Hill Wednesday afternoon from a video of the protest posted to the CHS Facebook Group
“Yup, F Donald Trump,” says a Capitol Hill resident in their video posted to the CHS Facebook Group showing a hundred or so chanting protesters streaming by Wednesday afternoon on E Denny Way.
The afternoon demonstration starting in Cal Anderson Park had been promoted online as a warm-up for a larger rally planned on March 15th in a post encouraging demonstrators to march “for our reproductive rights,” healthcare, trans rights, and “to bring awareness to the housing crisis.” The marchers headed through the city to Seattle Center and kept mostly to the sidewalks to avoid conflicts with traffic and police.
Capitol Hill’s Cal Anderson continues to be a center for protest. In the hours before Donald Trump’s inauguration and return to the White House, a few thousand demonstrators rallied in the park with speakers including newly sworn-in Governor Bob Ferguson, U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal, and Sheley Secrest, president of the regional NAACP, before marching across the city.
There were no reports of conflicts with police or arrests.
Over the weekend, another kind of protest took over the park in a demonstration from light projection artist @lightguerrilla with a display illuminated on the landmark Gatehouse at the head of the park’s reflecting pool. Thanks to @streetphotojournalism for the pictures.

(Image: @streetphotojournalism)
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I like the vibe of these projections, and I’m glad this piece includes the date of the planned March protest.
cool cool, this seems likely to do something more than nothing
Keep it up!
This administration is unlike any administration that we this current generation have seen. Have fun on the watch list.
really? You wish. We ain’t that important.
Ummm… we are that important. His platform was based on fear mongering. Trans people, education, and social unrest from the extreme left. He called out Seattle during a debate. I would hate to see what he says if he calls us out again from the Oval Office. But hey, possibly white person so fixated on being right, you know more than everyone else. Happy new year!
What’s the point?
Badge of honor I’d say. Watch me all you want!
Not sure but. It seems he wishes us ill will?
The idiocy is strong with them, but at least they kept mostly to the sidewalks to avoid conflicts with traffic and police. Progress!
Huh? Being mad at protesters and not Elon/fascists is why I hate New Seattle so much
Well, I’m old Seattle, and it’s not protests that I have an issue with, it’s the embarrassingly juvenile nature of the Seattleite protests (see the art and description) that will do nothing to sway public opinion, which clearly NEEDs to be swayed, since half the voters somehow think this insane man is doing a good job.
The tenor of our protests make us look like we aren’t a serious movement, just a performative one for our own feel-good benefit.
I’m from old Seattle too! And I second your observation.
I been here exactly 60 years. Sorry. But this is old Seattle. Just MORE of it. “old Seattle” didn’t have all this tech money. Our population explosion. I’d also add that the situation today is dire. We are going to lose our republic. Period.
Violence is the answer!
it worked for 1/6ers.
Thank you for keeping us informed! I want to know where I can show up.
The problem is that people who think like this also think that 51% of the country are Nazis. They don’t limit their hatred to actual Nazis, it’s just “anyone who disagrees with them”
Question to the orange man arse-kissers and Elon simps: Do you guys prefer to lick the boot raw, or do you prefer a little polish for a smoother texture and modified flavor profile? perhaps some orange creme du shoe ? yeah tasty ?
I am going with bottom.
Love your tag btw…flippin fabulous!
I see a court ordered anger management class in your future.
Thank you; your moronic comment illustrates my point.
wow…if you completely bypass facts? The libs imagine things and name call for no reason.
You are the Weatherman.