Seattle Police locked down the area and there were no injuries reported at the scene after a drive-by shooting Tuesday at 23rd and Union.
Multiple 911 callers reported gunfire just before 4:30 PM in the area around the busy intersection. Arriving officers found shell casings along E Union and an Audi SUV reportedly targeted in the shooting, according to East Precinct radio updates.
Police closed the street between 23rd and 25th Ave to collect evidence and check the area for suspects.
According to witness accounts and video evidence collected at the scene, the shooter was described as a teen firing from a red SUV with a black handgun carrying an extended magazine.
The SUV carrying the shooter was last reported headed eastbound. SPD was searching the area but could not immediately locate the vehicle.
No victims were reported at the scene or at Harborview.
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Take the toys away from the babies.
I live here and have asked that CCTV cameras go up on certain corners off union and Cherry. Others don’t want them because of civil rights concerns. I’m more concerned about my kid getting shot coming home from school or while we are outside in the yard.
Well… there is a low probability of that happening. Especially if you are white. But then again, I’m speaking from a Seattle that no longer exists, so… maybe y’all need CCTV now a days.
What a dumb comment. Stray bullets don’t see color.
Yeah… stay bullets used to travel all the way to magnolia, or Madison valley… y’all are on 23rd. Hence why I said unless you’re white, and that I’m speaking from a different Seattle. Soooo… get out the CD if you are white. Y’all can afford it!
Good point. There are no poor white people, they just hand us a cool mil at birth
Growing up in the central district. Gun violence was a weekly thing especially on 23rd… move!
23rd Avenue gun fire was never a thing like it is now, at least not in my 44 years in the neighborhood.
Why don’t you do the neighbors a favor and move? Try Federal Way. Or at least out of Mom’s basement.
There might have been a time when gangs operated with certain rules and if you were home after dark you’d be relatively fine but not anymore. The people shooting are kids – according to police and based on their profligate social media posts, they are 14, 15, 16, etc. They are terrible marksmen (can’t aim for sh*t) and they’ve illegally modified their stolen handguns so that they blast more bullets, albeit with less accuracy. We’ve had the same cars involved multiple times. We’ve had shootings, not just at the corner but along the side streets in the neighborhood in front of our homes during daylight hours. We need evidence that could come from CCTV in combination with actual gang units and a willingness to prosecute and a willingness to incarcerate. People aren’t speaking up. A kid was shot and killed in the middle of the damn school day in front of their classmates and still no arrest.
Move! It’s not going anywhere. The area was red lined and gave people a sense of self and belonging. And protecting that or whatever gangs are calling it, is still a thing. It’s their hood! It’s Duce 8 and Beyond. Duce O tho, is fairly cleaned up. But The Terrace is still pretty spotty!
So you’re saying Black people like guns and deserve to live with gunfire in their neighborhood? This is the most insane, and let’s face it, racist, line of crap.
Cameras ain’t going to stop a bullet so yeah I rather have our rights saved a bit
Anyone shooting up a busy corner like that at 4:30pm in the afternoon could not care less about cameras. Sure, you might get a plate or two, but many of those cars turn out to be stolen, so not of much use when it comes to tracking down offenders. Now, if cameras are part of a comprehensive program to increase law enforcement, crack down on gangs, enforce laws to discourage public drug use and sales, and offer increased mandatory drug treatment for offenders, they might be of use.
I think CCTV cameras are a good idea. Put ‘em up around Garfield if it’s legal too. People don’t want to be witnesses so maybe this would help get a few more cases prosecuted in the future.
It’s sad to have to consider this, but shootings are worse. I may have missed it but I don’t believe there was ever an arrest for the fatal shooting at Garfield in front of a bunch of kids. One person’s freedom even if under the guise of law to protect children is having very sad unintended consequences there.