Here are the top stories from this week in CHS history:
An apparent end to Jai Thai’s good times — and laughs — on Broadway
Fais de beaux rêves, Joe Bar — The French Guys are moving in
Pikes/Pines | The fungus among us — four of the mushrooms you’ll meet on Capitol Hill
250 days after first restrictions, Washington starts new COVID-19 lockdown — UPDATE
A frequent target during Capitol Hill protests, E Olive Way Starbucks reopening
Wallflower, a movie about the Capitol Hill Massacre, finally released and screening in Seattle
Police say Ruckus hit in $5K armed hold-up, Capitol Hill’s first big pot shop cash robbery
Capitol Hill, your cheese tea is ready — Atulea now open on 12th Ave
Big police response after fight with unruly bar patron at Chop suey — UPDATE
Car vs. pedestrian incident that reportedly began across I-5 ends on Capitol Hill — UPDATE
A row house mini-explosion in Capitol Hill helping to transform single-family home blocks
Capitol Hill food+drink | Nuflours gluten free bakery comes to Capitol Hill
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