From the Cal Anderson Park Alliance
On Sunday, August 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., come meet your neighbors as you shop for unique finds at one of Seattle’s longest running community-wide garage sales.
For this beloved neighborhood tradition, Cal Anderson Park will host more than 80 vendors selling their unique wares … because No Garage is No Problem! Seattleites can flock to the park for five hours of shopping and treasure hunting, DJ music, and sunshine.
In addition, there will be many independent garage, yard, stoop, and sidewalk sales at homes across Capitol Hill. Shoppers can access an online map of the neighborhood sales on the official Capitol Hill Garage Sale website ( or at the garage sale event information table in Cal Anderson Park on Sunday, August 20.
Just a few reasons to come to this year’s Capitol Hill Garage Sale in Cal Anderson Park:
● A clothing swap hosted by the Queer and Trans Youth Project
QTYP is Project is a program at The Vera Project that provides queer and trans youth creative opportunities and safe, accessible space for young folks.
● Don’t have the sharpest tool in the shed? The Capitol Hill Tool Library can help you with that! Step up to their table with your dull knives or tools, where volunteer fixers will offer their sharpening services. https://
● More than 80 tables to peruse and bargain for vintage and contemporary clothing, accessories, cookware, dishware, housewares, furniture, toys, games, books, plants, outdoor gear and sports equipment (including bikes and kayaks!), a Funko Pop blowout, handmade jewelry, ceramics, crafts, and SO MUCH MORE!
● And don’t forget, the Capitol Hill Neighborhood Farmers Market will be taking place just down the block from Cal Anderson Park with treats, refreshing beverages, and fresh produce for sale, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sellers have until Monday, August 14 at 10 p.m. to sign up, either for a space in the park or to register their own garage sale on Capitol Hill happening during the hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 20th. https://capitolhillgaragesale.
Cal Anderson Park is one of Seattle’s most transit-accessible public spaces, sitting at the intersection of both city and regional mass transit. The Seattle Streetcar and Link Light Rail bring people from downtown Seattle, the U District, Northgate, and South Seattle to this park in the heart of Capitol Hill.
The Capitol Hill Garage Sale Day continues to be 100% community- and volunteer-driven. This event wouldn’t be possible without the support of Seattle Parks & Recreation, the Cal Anderson Park Alliance, the Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, Board & Vellum, Hunters Capital, and Connection on Broadway.
For more information or the official map, go to
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