There is a weekend of Juneteenth celebration ahead across the Central District and Seattle Public Schools and City Hall will have Monday off. Here are a few highlights from the CD and the nearby. Check out the South Seattle Emerald for more from across the area. You can also find more on the CHS Calendar Juneteenth listings. (Note for mobile users — We’re having some technical difficulties with the calendar on smartphones and pads that we hope to resolve soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!)
- Africatown Community Land Trust Summer of Soul: Africatown will partner with King County Equity Now for a day of music and celebration with Talib Kweli and Kevin Ross in Jimi Hendrix Park on Monday.
Juneteenth is a reminder of the resilience and strength of our communities and that, in the face of oppression and injustice, we continue to press into our collective brilliance and strength. We recognize this day, just as others that tend to receive temporary limelight in this country, as one that gives us focused opportunity to contemplate how we may continue to honor the contributions and sacrifices of our ancestors. We honor their tireless fight for freedom and are grateful for the paths they have paved that have allowed for the progress we have made today. We are thankful for these sacrifices and contributions each and every day.
- Africatown Community Land Trust Summer of Soul: Africatown will partner with King County Equity Now for a day of music and celebration with Talib Kweli and Kevin Ross in Jimi Hendrix Park on Monday.
- Northwest African American Museum: The museum is again hosting three days of celebration including a Game Show & Youth Night, a Sunday film festival, and Monday’s Juneteenth Skate Party Celebration in Judkins Park.
- REVIVAL: Juneteenth Pop-up Market: The open space of the new Midtown Square development will welcome vendors and artists Sunday for the return of the popular market to “celebrate and support local Black-owned businesses.” The Capitol Hill Ecodistrict and Midtown’s Arte Noir are partnering on the event that will also feature KEXP and legendary DJ Riz Rollins broadcasting live during the market.
- Black Sonic Evolutions: The Black Cinema Collective is hosting three nights at Capitol Hill’s Northwest Film Forum in a new series of music documentary screenings: Our film selections offer Black liberation histories and celebrate the artists who have given us enduring cultural soundtracks for powerful social and political change. This year we are screening FINDING FELA at Northwest Film Forum!
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