Here are the top stories from this week in CHS history:
Man found beaten to death behind Broadway Rite Aid identified — UPDATE
On path for ‘70%,’ Seattle announces location for mass vaccination mega site
Developer says auto row-inspired design for 15th Ave E project rejected for not being modern enough
Spice Waala’s Indian street food going ‘brick and mortar’ on Capitol Hill — UPDATE
Fire up your Instagram, Korean fried chicken chain Bonchon now open on Broadway
The three-way race to open first E Olive Way pot shops has two winners
43rd District senator explains ‘widely misunderstood’ records law vote — UPDATE
Capitol Hill food+drink | 24-hour ‘dive’ Lost Lake set to serve Pike/Pine
County parking analysis says developers do, indeed, create more parking than we need
Broadway at Union’s Complete Automotive ‘under contract’ and ready for development
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