The LGBTQ health and community center Gay City is moved into its new Capitol Hill home and inviting visitors to stop in Sunday over Pride weekend for an open house.
Whether you need to take a break from Pride festivities or just want to check it out, join us in our NEW space at 400 E. Pine St. Seattle, WA 98122 for an open house! We’ll have snacks, water, sunscreen, onsite HIV/STI testing, comfy areas to rest, and more.
The center’s Michael C. Weidemann LGBTQ+ Library will also be open to check out books, Gay City announced.
CHS reported on the center’s move from E Pike where Gay City lost its space to make way for planned redevelopment.
Gay City’s new home on the ground floor of the Pine Bellevue office building at 400 E Pine has room for an expanded slate of services and offerings at the center including a new pharmacy in partnership with Kelley-Ross and new services added to its mix including a new “Youth Space” in the middle of the center.
“We’re trying to really want to step further into who we are,” Gay City’s Melvin Givens told CHS late last year. “We want to make sure that Seattle has that LGBTQ center that’s really located on Capitol Hill and easily accessible.”
Gay City formed out of the mid-1990s closure of the city’s lone major LGBTQ community center and has continued to serve as a centerpoint for queer communities across the city as times and needs have changed. In 2018, Gay City expanded its library and continued to make space for fellow LGBTQ nonprofits to share the space. It is also serving a changing Capitol Hill and changing LGBTQ communities in the neighborhood — even as important spaces change or leave the Hill. More help is coming. The Pride Place LGBTQ-affirming senior housing development has broken ground on Broadway and is planned to be open with its new apartments and services by 2023.
You can visit to make a donation to support the new facility.
The open house is part of a busy weekend of Pride in Seattle including the return of traditions to their rightful place in June including the Broadway street fair and the Seattle Dyke March on Saturday.
Along with the move, the Gay City nonprofit is stepping forward to help steward the new AIDS Memorial Pathway stretching across Capitol Hill Station’s plaza and Cal Anderson Park. Saturday will bring a Pride skate party to the plaza and next Thursday, June 30th, a celebration of the completion of the Ribbon of Light art installation along the pathway will be marked in Cal Anderson.
Check out the CHS Pride Calendar for more events — or add your own.
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