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One arrest in Cal Anderson protest against recent police killings

For a time during 2020’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations and into the pandemic, there were near nightly arrests during anti-police protests across Capitol Hill. A Cal Anderson protest against police violence Saturday night echoed back to those past arrests as Seattle Police took one person into custody during a march against recent police killings.

During Saturday night’s protest, police took a 29-year-old man into custody “for malicious mischief/property damage after he was seen tagging/graffiti-ing a building in the 1500 block of 13th Ave,” a SPD spokesperson said. The man was released from the East Precinct and the case was forwarded to the Seattle City Attorney’s Office for possible charges.



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Demonstrators had gathered at the park Saturday to protest the recent police killings of 19-year-old Isaiah Williams in Las Vegas, and 22-year-old Amir Locke in Minneapolis.

In Oregon, a 43-year-old man has been charged with second degree murder for a mass shooting at a Portland demonstration for Locke earlier last month.

While protests have quieted on Capitol Hill, repercussions from the unrest continue to be felt with continued revelations about improper actions in SPD’s response and continuing legal ramifications for those arrested and charged.

This week, the Department of Justice announced 26-year-old Margaret Aislinn Channon of Tacoma was sentenced to five years in prison for setting fire to five SPD vehicles during a protest downtown in May 2020 that helped spark that summer’s wave of major demonstrations in the city and the formation of CHOP.



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John Sarault
John Sarault
3 years ago

Good. I’m sick of our neighborhood getting tagged up by these assholes. More broken glass on 12th ave this week, some asshole hit Mor Fire now. FFS.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Sarault

Agreed. These assholes should be arrested, and they should be responsible for the cost of repair. The amount of broken glass in the city is insane. The environmental cost of replacing all that glass must be substantial.

Moving Soon
Moving Soon
3 years ago
Reply to  John Sarault

Equally as sick as you are of tax payer funded murder of civilians?

3 years ago
Reply to  Moving Soon

One can be sick of both?

James on 17th
James on 17th
3 years ago
Reply to  Bill

No just rather have more outrage over people dying by cops than tags. Oh noes! Graffiti! The worst problem in the world to some people who want everything so damn sterile in a city. Boring. I like my city having art.

Jules James
Jules James
3 years ago
Reply to  James on 17th

Cops elsewhere is more a concern to you than your own city? Not me. Taggers are children. Graffiti is vandalism. If these children had any artistic talent, they’d find a way to get paid for it.

3 years ago
Reply to  James on 17th

I like urban art too, as long as it is actually art (like some murals). But the vast majority of graffiti is just ugly scribbles made by young people who are desperately trying to call attention to themselves.

Ralph Macdonald
Ralph Macdonald
3 years ago
Reply to  James on 17th

Art! Ha! Your comment loses all credibility if you call that art.

Xtian Gunther
3 years ago
Reply to  James on 17th

Puh-lease. You have any idea how desperate and absurd you sound?! That shit ain’t art, ignoramus. Banksy and Keith Haring made street art. Tagging is mostly just vomit. Now, maybe if they tagged your face? Would that be exciting for you?

Like graffiti? Live under a highway bridge or in a real ghetto (FYI- Seattle has none). Then, get back to me, sheltered one.

Want to change peoples minds? Go to City Hall meetings. Run for office. And march, protest and march. Smashing the Seattle system is like holding a gay rights march inside of a gay bar. The police and electeds may be your enemy or perceived enemy. The relatively progressive community at large here is not. #clueless

(and don’t start in hairsplitting that assertion -travel the world and then get back to me with all of the more-progressive places you visited; you’ll find it’s a short list)

PS- Architecture is art. Speaking of art, these tagger aholes tag sculptures and ACTUAL VISUAL ART.
PPS- independent ownership is something to be respected, not trashed by infantile dipshits and their temper tantrums.
PPPS- graffiti is terrible for the environment

Wake up James ;-)

3 years ago
Reply to  Moving Soon

Homicide vs hooliganism. An obvious equivalence. /s

3 years ago
Reply to  Moving Soon

Way to lump all of the people peacefully protesting police violence in with the criminal. How insulting.

Xtian Gunther
3 years ago
Reply to  Moving Soon

Holy deflection and false equivalency! I’m with you on the need to re-do policing but your tactics/logic come across more like Fox News than anything. People have a right to want their neighborhood to not be trashed. And, that doesn’t mean they are fascists or white supremacists/white wingers.

Is it so wrong to expect that

a) grown man-boys won’t destroy what’s not theirs?
b) when they do, they’ll suffer/bear the consequences and costs?

Besides, you are moving soon (probably to some suburban enclave-haha!) All the more reason your response is absurd, childish, desperate, pointless and stupid.

James on 17th
James on 17th
3 years ago
Reply to  John Sarault

Property damage is less of a concern to me than companies stealing wages and getting slaps on the wrists. Business owners paying jack should be gone after too.

Ralph Macdonald
Ralph Macdonald
3 years ago
Reply to  John Sarault

I’m with you. A couple months ago I saw an elderly black woman on Mercer scrubbing off ACAB graffiti on her property. hypocritical. Maybe instead of spraying graffiti actually helping black people might be more productive

3 years ago

Get him Ann!

3 years ago

Part of the sentencing should be a couple weeks of labor with graffiti and garbage removal crew, or the same period in jail. And how about naming and shaming those who tag or steal, including at the time of arrest. We need to allow people to restore their dignity with positive contributions and we need the community to hold people to account. And there is zero justification for this or whataboutism talk like below. I am sorry at civilian deaths but this is tagging and destruction in our town is not a suitable or relevant response. It is vandalism and self-serving.

3 years ago

Every time my building gets tagged, about $150 goes up in smoke.

These douchebags need to be doing some heavy community service in graffiti removal.

3 years ago

Why are these idiots protesting here when it was not our police department or in our city? What’s their goal with that other than pissing people here off with their BS.

James on 17th
James on 17th
3 years ago
Reply to  seaguy

Because ALL police are this way. And Seattle has had their share of police brutality. I lived it.

Jules James
Jules James
3 years ago
Reply to  James on 17th

Whatever. Our police force is excellent. Sometimes the job requires a level of brutalism — such as when idiots indignantly don’t comply and put others at risk of injury. I’ve seen far too many street situations spin out of control.

James on 17th
James on 17th
3 years ago
Reply to  Jules James

Say that to Charleena or Shaun’s family. Get real.