A 21-year-old man has been charged with rape in a daytime attack on a woman inside her Capitol Hill apartment.
Seattle Police says officers called to the scene by the victim’s father arrived as Qyreek Singletary was assaulting the woman who had been talking to her dad on the phone at the time of the late December attack.
“The victim’s screams were heard by her father who immediately called 911,” the King County Prosecutor’s office writes as it charged Singletary with first degree rape and burglary. “The victim screamed and pleaded with the suspect to let her leave and instead of ceasing his criminal actions, the suspect brandished a knife and ordered the victim to be quiet before directing her to the bedroom.”
KOMO was first to report on the rape and charges and has reported on sexual assaults regularly across the city including this September attack reported on Capitol Hill.
Seattle Police records show 252 rapes were investigated in 2021 — down 11% from the previous year. 46 of those attacks — around 18% — were reported in the East Precinct including Capitol Hill and the Central District. Reported rapes in Seattle spiked to 382 cases in 2019. In 2014, there were 170 reported sexual assaults.
According to prosecutors, Singletary told police he is living homeless after coming to Seattle from North Carolina and was looking for an apartment that morning when he encountered the victim. Police say he admitted to entering the small apartment building near Volunteer Park as the victim was retrieving a package and said he wanted to have sex with her but was not there to assault the woman. Police say they found a condom, lubrication, and “black bondage tape” in the suspect’s possessions.
The prosecutor’s office says Singletary does not have any criminal convictions but was arrested in 2019 in North Carolina. He is held in King County Jail on $50,000 bail.
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Oh but remember kids, the Seattle homeless population is just a collection of unfortunate victims of our capitalistic society and need to be coddled while they squat in our parks. Stop the sweeps!
Oh. Please. There are plenty of rapist with housing. Stop trying to scaremonger.
Yes, but the terrible (and ever-deteriorating) conditions of places like Cap Hill attract people like the accused assaulter, who are a danger to the residents in the area.
“ever deteriorating”? Broadway has never been so chock full of ugly condominiums and high-rises in the 17 years that I’ve known it
Right. Plenty of stories out there of my neighbors waiting in the lobby with tape, condoms and lube. Plenty of stories out there of my neighbors shooting up in Cal Anderson and harassing dog walkers. Grow up.
And homeless people are locals, not from North Carolina.
Cut and paste sarcasm? If you have a case to make then data please with comparison to the overall population.
Remember the homeless guy from Florida who raped those kids in his tent? Criminals come here because they get a free ride, they can even legally vote without having to prove residency. https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2019/07/man-charged-with-rape-for-sex-assaults-on-two-teens-in-cal-anderson-park/
Seattle will continue to be a magnet for drug addicts and other disturbed and dangerous individuals from the rest of the country until we ban camping in parks, enforce the law, and vote out the left wing ideologues that created this mess.
I’m a left wing ideologue and I think camping in parks should be controlled and laws should be enforced. Hope this doesn’t ruin your simpleminded opinion of us.
Please provide documentation for your contention/accusation and define left wing ideologue as opposed to neoliberal or right wing, etc. ideologue, whatever you consider yourself .
I have always been on the left but am a rationalist that has come to despise the leftist extremism that has ruined the city. The right has shown for years that ideologues can’t govern. The left has modeled their playbook, and I am not down with it.
The percentage of homeless who are really, really bad people is much higher than the housed population, because most homeless people are homeless because they have burned all bridges with their own loved ones.
The route of homelessness usually goes:
Once you start asking yourself, “how did these people burn the familial bridges”, the high crime rates start to make more sense.
A lot of these people will be coming from deeply dysfunctional or non-existent families (and let’s face it, dysfunctional families are common)…not so much burning bridges as not having ant bridges at all.
Shocking and appalling. Shame on the city council, local leaders, and anyone else who supports the laissez-faire enforcement of basic law and order in this city. Seattle (and other cities on the west coast) have become destination cities for transient people who want to live somewhere with minimal consequences for their actions.
Agree. But, in this case, the guy will almost surely have some serious consequences for his actions.
The anti-socialist crowd likes to proclaim Capitol Hill has very few conservatives. Small sample size but this blog shows otherwise or all the magats in the area just happened to slither through to congregate.
Labeling moderate and left-of-center people as “conservatives” is just not accurate, and it’s getting very tiresome.
Being anti-socialist doesn’t make someone a conservative, Tom.
I am sure there are some socialist policies you like.
There are. Just like there are some republican policies I agree with. However, I don’t find myself aligning either’s overall platforms or approach to governance.
To a Marxist in D3 anyone to the right of Comrade Sawant is “a MAGAT.” The same language is used by her cabal of activists every time they need to deflect the attention away from Sawants own failure as a D3 representative. D3 languishes while she and her group use D3’s problems to promote and fundraise globally. They NEED the homeless to remain in parks. This helps them create the myth of “failing Capitalism” that they use to raise money for “their movement.” More dead or in crisis homeless is good for their marketing and promotion.
I think you would be surprised to find out that liberals also don’t like crime and dystopia. That is why Sawant can barely hold on to her seat in the most progressive district in the most progressive city in the country. People want results not more self-serving bs. She uses homeless encampments as props to fundraise for the Revolution. It is messed up.
Bleeding heart liberal here. I am pro services for the homeless and providing shelter. I donate and would gladly be taxed more if there was any form of accountability with where the money is going. I also believe laws pertaining to camping, litter, theft and violence should be enforced. These things aren’t mutually exclusive and I’m confused how this became a radical viewpoint in my once lovely city.
This is horrible. Sending my sympathies to the victim.