Sawant speaking during a June 2020 “Defund SPD” protest and march to Mayor Durkan’s house in a demonstration organized by the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America. “The decision by the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America and speakers including Socialist Alternative leader Kshama Sawant to target the mayor’s home and neighborhood struck a personal blow and also flouted Durkan’s efforts to conceal the location of her residence due to concerns about security after her years as a federal prosecutor,” CHS reported at the time.
Turnout has now climbed above 35% in the District 3 recall vote of City Councilmember Kshama Sawant with more than 27,000 ballots already returned. If we reach 50% turnout, that means there are still 11,000 voters yet to cast their ballots. 55%? Around 15,000. A pretty much unheard of 60%? Nearly 20,000.
If you’re part of that group and still weighing the evidence, considering the facts, and calculating the politics, here’s a post of CHS coverage of the latest in the Recall Sawant and Kshama Solidarity campaigns and some of the coverage unique to the CHS archives that documents the very days and actions brought into question by the recall proponents.
- 12/7/21: Ballots in the recall were mailed beginning November 17th. Your vote must be postmarked or dropped in a county drop box by 8 PM on Tuesday, December 7th — at this point, we recommend you choose any of the available King County dropboxes across the city to make your vote is not left out. Learn more and check on your ballot at info.kingcounty.gov. Only voters in District 3 — encompassing Capitol Hill, First Hill, the Central District, Montlake, Madison Valley, and Madison Park — can participate.
- The Recall Sawant debate: Everything you need to know about the recall and its implications plus video of the debate between the Sawant and recall organizer Henry Bridger.
In early June 2020, Sawant organized a community meeting in Cal Anderson during ongoing Black Lives Matter Protests that some 2,000 people attended before a march to Seattle City Hall
Protesters entered the building closed due to COVID-19 restrictions chanting “Whose City Hall? Our City Hall” before listening to a number of speakers at the “people’s mic,” as Sawant called it, on a range of issues, from the importance of Black LGBTQIA+ women in recent protests to taxing the council member’s familiar foe, Amazon.
“It is about building the kind of political representation that brings the voice of the people into the halls of power and grabs power for ordinary people,” Sawant said at one point during the protest’s brief stop inside City Hall
- THE CHARGES: Organizers have outlined multiple acts they say warrant recall including 1) using city resources to promote a Tax Amazon initiative, 2) allowing demonstrators inside City Hall during a protest in June 2020, and 3) marching to Mayor Jenny Durkan’s home address kept secret due to her past role as a federal prosecutor. A fourth charge of allowing Socialist Alternative to influence her office’s employment decisions was rejected by the state Supreme Court.
- TAX AMAZON — Recall backers call for hearing as Sawant admits Tax Amazon ethics violation, Saturday, May 8, 2021 — Councilmember Kshama Sawant has admitted violating city elections and ethics code and will pay a penalty of $3,515.74 — double the amount of city funds her office spent promoting the Tax Amazon ballot initiative.
- CITY HALL PROTEST — Sawant and protesters — briefly — occupy Seattle City Hall as Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone grows, Wednesday, June 10, 2020 — Several hundred demonstrators, led by Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, occupied City Hall downtown Tuesday night for just over an hour, calling for the resignation of Mayor Jenny Durkan and the defunding of the Seattle Police Department after a march from the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.
- DURKAN PROTEST — Protest march, Sawant take #defundSPD budget fight to Durkan’s doorstep, Monday, June 29, 2020 —Hundreds of Seattle Black Lives Matters activists and supporters marched through Mayor Jenny Durkan’s Northeast Seattle neighborhood Sunday night to push for a major cut to the Seattle Police Department’s budget and to take their demands to the mayor’s doorstep after weeks of protest in Seattle following the killing of George Floyd by police in Minnesota. The decision by the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America and
organizersspeakers including Socialist Alternative leader Kshama Sawant to target the mayor’s home and neighborhood struck a personal blow and also flouted Durkan’s efforts to conceal the location of her residence due to concerns about security after her years as a federal prosecutor. UPDATE: Sawant was invited to speak but was not a listed organizer of the event.(CHS editor’s note: We’ve included the strikeout of the word “organizers” from the original post reflecting changes CHS made to the article the day it was posted, June 29, 2020, after objections to our description of the councilmember as an organizer of the event. Within hours after the event, representatives from the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America asked CHS to clarify that they had organized the march. The DSA is not affiliated with Socialist Alternative)
- CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS — Recall $awant: a blitz of TV ads, mailers, posters, and ‘get out the vote’ workers: The PAC set up to help recall Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant has been released from campaign contribution limits and is using the cash on strategies including a $10,000 TV ad getting heavy play during NFL and sports broadcasts in the city thanks to a $100,000 Comcast advertising buy. According to the most recent filings with the city, the PAC has already raised $160,000, closing the gap between the Recall Sawant campaign and the Kshama Solidarity campaign formed to fight the recall. Together, some $1.9 million has been raised by the organizations from around 16,000 contributors. Unlike the December 7th recall vote which is limited to only Sawant’s D3 constituents, anybody can donate.
- TURNOUT — Strong early turnout in Sawant recall with one week of voting to go: Supporters of Kshama Sawant have said driving strong voter turnout in the recall election falling between two major holiday periods will be the key to keeping the Socialist Alternative council member in office. With one week of voting left in the December 7th District 3 recall, more than 21,000 people have already voted. But the strong early turnout could be a sign of major challenges ahead for the political veteran. According to King County Elections, turnout in the election is already approaching 28% driven by strong by-mail voting in wealthy areas like Broadmoor and along the shores of Lake Washington. So far, the county has received 21,366 ballots. The district has 77,200 registered voters. The current pace is far in front of returned ballots a week ahead of November’s General Election when the city as a whole hit 55% turnout.
- PREDICTIONS — Will the E Republican line hold in the Kshama Sawant recall vote? Here are the maps for Capitol Hill and the Central District from the November election: Want to know how the December 7th District 3 recall election will play out? Whether Kshama Sawant will keep her seat on the Seattle City Council will probably break down along the E Republican line. King County Elections has released the final precinct by precinct voting maps for the November General Election and the results show a mostly familiar pattern with the core of District 3 across central Capitol Hill and the Central District away from the shores of Lake Washington tending toward the more progressive candidates in the races and a hard northern line forming near the disputed political territories of Capitol Hill’s E Republican street.
- How much does a recall election cost? The cost for the vote will be footed by the City of Seattle — also known as you and me. King County Elections says an election of this scale typically costs around $300,000 — around $4 per registered voter.
- District 3 recall: ‘Religious and community leaders’ endorse ‘yes,’ scenes from the Kshama Solidarity block party, and how much does a recall election cost, anyhow?
- District 3 recall: A Better Seattle joins ‘yes’ fight, Kshama Solidarity holds a ‘F%#k The Recall’ Block Party, and how they would replace Sawant
- Endorsements: As soon as the smoke had cleared from the General Election, the Seattle Times editorial board weighed in with its endorsement in the recall vote — vote yes, the Times says:
Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant has long been an outspoken voice for socialist ideals with an utter disregard for the city’s business community. She has also inserted rudeness, bullying and shoddy ethics into City Hall, which has done profound disservice to her District 3 constituency and the city. Voters should hold Sawant accountable for transgressions against civil governance and remove her from office.
The city’s only progressive counterbalance, The Stranger weighed in and predictably calls for a no vote from D3 residents:
Though the people running the recall campaign claim the “progressive” mantle, the effort to boot Sawant emerged alongside a nationwide recall craze. Most of those recalls sought to punish politicians for supporting COVID-19 restrictions, but others sought to punish politicians who supported the Black Lives Matter movement in the summer of 2020.
Both outlets are headquartered outside of District 3.
- Replacing Sawant: One of the most mis-reported elements of the recall involves the process that will play out if the “yes” side wins. It’s OK. Even our recent inquiry to the City Council’s media representative ended up with staff digging into the City Charter for answers. Everybody has the basics down; Should Sawant be recalled, the City Council will appoint a replacement. But the specifics get muddled in several reports. There are a few key elements to be aware of. First, the recall is immediate. Once the vote is certified, Sawant would be removed from office. The City Council will then swing into action to name a replacement. Here’s what the Charter says about that:
the City Council shall, within twenty days thereafter, proceed to select by ballot a person to fill such vacancy, who shall possess the qualifications required for election to such office; such selection to be effective only upon the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the City Council. If any elective office shall not be filled within twenty days after it becomes vacant, the City Council shall meet and ballot at least once each day, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, until such vacancy has been filled.
You can check out the process around the replacement of Rob Johnson in 2019 for more about that. The part that is frequently botched by reporters comes next. The replacement would not finish Sawant’s term through 2023. Instead, the appointment lasts only through the next General Election. The result will be a lot of ballots for D3 residents — the November vote we just went through, the D3 recall on December 7th, a new D3 vote in November 2022, and another D3 vote in 2023 for the full four-year term. So, yes, a “yes” vote next month could set the course for the D3 seat through 2027.
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Regardless of what happens on Tuesday, I look forward to walking down the sidewalk free of harassment from the Socialist Alternative cult. There is a reason she is the only elected party member of this fringe group in the country. It is really unfortunate that their leader lives in D3 and Seattle. I want a representative that works (with others) to solve problems, rather than feeds off them to grow her brand. Ideologues may say all the right things, but they can’t deliver results. Does she even want to deliver results or just use the issues to raise her standing as a champion fighting for the people? She can’t built coalitions like the one necessary to overturn a ban on rent control at the state level or address a regional issue like homelessness if she characterize everyone that doesn’t pass her purity test as the enemy. It is also important to ask yourself, do you want this person to have more power or do you see some red flags? The red flags are many as is evident in the list of violations of the public trust. Please vote.
Centrist neoliberalism is a disease. It’s the real obstacle of progress. I stand with Kshama!
“Centrist neoliberalism is a disease.” Wow. You summed up what we see in Sawant in one bombastic, violent, pointlessly confrontational statement of hyperbole.
Government is not the same as verbal bomb-throwing. We need D3 to have a representative, not a divisive demagogue.
Yup, everything and everyone you don’t agree with is a “disease”. You folks will never make real progress on your agendas because you alienate so many voters with your divisive rhetoric who could have been sympathetic to your cause and be your allies. Is your last minute tactic trying to bully voters into voting for Kshama?
Unfortunately my friend I doubt we’ve seen the last of Sawant and her red army of vote harvesters no matter the outcome. Even if recalled she is still eligible to run again and I’d be willing to be large sums that she would all while denouncing the recall as a right wing plot and whoever was appointed to fill her seat as a corp Dem traitor. Given her importance to SA they’ll send 3x as many paid supporters to D3. Tues is only the first battle of many to come.
You sound like a tinfoil hat person making baseless claims. Are all the anti-Sawant people trolls who lie?
Do you not think she’ll run for her seat again in 2022 should she be recalled tomorrow? It’s not a conspiracy just an opinion. She’s eligible to run and no doubt will think she was unjustly removed so why wouldn’t she run again?
why would you bother posting nonsense? We all have eyes and see what’s going on. she is a completely inept, fringe whacko that’s being heavily astroturfed by an outside group. It’s not hard to figure out since she admits it on her site and we can see the stupid booth on every sidewalk with people that aren’t from here.
I hope the election officials are cognizant of the printed ballots Shawant supporters I saw providing along Jackson ST. I know I am alarmed. Registered voters receive a ballot in the mail, so whom does not have a ballot?
Stop promoting voter suppression. It’s disgusting. Many people get them in the mail but some people are houseless or they aren’t as motivated. It’s gross that people like you are trying to silence pro Sawant NO voters…
The ballots Sawantists are distributing should be very carefully checked for fraud. Her army will cheat if they think they can.
“My opponent is a cheater” is a big whining claim with nothing to back it up. The Recall people are getting downright insane now.
How is asking a question “voter suppression”? Its disgusting you would equate asking a question with voter suppression. Its gross that people like you are accusing someone of trying to silence pro Sawant No voters just because they asked a question…Apparently the Sawant trolls are out in mass tonight using all the trigger words possible to scare voters.
Or they just tell the truth and the Recall people are the actual trolls doing the gaslighting. Go figure.
“aren’t as motivated” LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
My kid who’s in college in Eastern Washington printed out his ballot from the website and mailed it. It’s a perfectly legitimate way to do it, apparently. Who knew?
While it may be legal under local election law, it is not a good look. Having a campaign printing ballots on the sidewalk was clearly not the legislative intent and perhaps it should be revisited. It undermines trust in the integrity of the voting system and seems like a recipe for voter fraud. How is residency in District 3 verified? Once again Sawant is pushing ethical and legal boundaries. This is why people want her out.
Sounds like Recall people being big babies and pushing voter suppression to me! The shoe fits.
It only “undermines trust in the integrity of the voting system” to those who are pre-emptively looking for a reason for losing.
It’s the Trump playbook, and it’s being deployed here by both sides. Create distrust in the system, at which point, what happens? There will never be legitimacy in government for whoever loses every election.
We’ve had so many elections using this exact system, with no examples of wide-scale election fraud that would change the results.
Or to put it another way, if Kshama is recalled, isn’t it possible that the other side did the exact things you’re accusing her followers of doing, and doesn’t that make invalidate the election? Or is it as long as your side wins, the election is valid?
I despise Trump and the Republicans. Their voter suppression is despicable. So are the Sawant’s campaign’s shady tactics that play right into the Republican narrative. At the very least, can you admit that the optics of blocking the sidewalks on every corner around ballot drop boxes and printing ballots along with an aggressive dose of propaganda aren’t great?
MoT is asking a question neither of you answered: how is residency in D3 verified for those printing their ballots in Sawant’s tents. I have not seen similar efforts by the Recall campaign. I think the proximity of offering ballot printing with Sawant campaign material at the same tent is problematic. It is not illegal under our current laws but it should be. Campaigning at ballot drop-off sites is prohibited.
Sawant won her last election by some 1700 votes…a good but not quite a comfortable margin against a mediocre candidate. A margin feasibly buffered by harvesting votes from unhoused voters who say that they spend the majority of their time in D3, which is not easily verified. Voting by mail is awesome…but under severe attack by the GQP. I pray no irregularity occurs in this campaign because someone will be looking hard for it. The GQP would love nothing better than howling that voter fraud happening in socialist Seattle. I hope the Sawant folks keep this larger picture in mind. The end never justifies the means.
You’re assuming people are willing to commit election fraud–which is a very serious crime–for Sawant, in large enough numbers to skew an election.
According to the Heritage Foundation, there have been a little over a thousand cases of proven voter fraud in the history of the United States.
You people are asserting that there could be literally thousands of cases in this single election. The burden of proof is on you, because there’s no historical precedent for the level of fraud you’re claiming could be occurring here.
Just got 15 No voters canvassing this weekend.
Very curious how many of those are going to be tossed as duplicates.
No not at all. I’m sure you didn’t say a word when Stacy Abrams churned our apathetic voters in Georgia. You’re clearly screaming “cheater” because it’s not your side. It’s childish. And trolling.
I’m not screaming anything. Merely pointing out that when you can snag a ballot on every street corner the chances of unscrupulous behavior go up. The apathetic aren’t the problem in this regard, the zealots are.
BTW, there’s a big damn difference between Abrams and Sawant. One isn’t a lawbreaker, for starters…
There’s no difference in how they work on getting apathetic voters. You’re doing voter suppression and concern trolling the fake broken law of marching to the public building to act like the mere acts aren’t the same. Your gaslighting here isn’t working. It’s disgusting behavior and against the law, in case you didn’t know. Anyone who has sped on the freeway has “broken the law.” Some of us think marching to a public building isn’t a big deal. You’re getting desperate.
Thanks for the thoroughly entertaining exchange. Let’s chat Wednesday.
And those people walking past you with a polite “no thank you” … we already voted YES.
Turnout has now climbed above 35% in the District 3 recall vote of City Councilmember Kshama Sawant with more than 27,000 ballots already returned. If we reach 50% turnout, that means there are still 11,000 voters yet to cast their ballots. 55%? Around 15,000. A pretty much unheard of 60%? Nearly 20,000.
Isn’t this backwards? The higher the turnout, the FEWER votes yet to be cast, right?
still 11,000 voters, in that, if we are to get to 50%, that would mean 11,000 more voters would cast a ballot between time of posting and Election Night
If she is recalled (I realize this is a big “if”) what are the chances she goes quietly and in a dignified manner? I’m betting she goes full trump should she get recalled…
Oh absolutely. The speech is already written, I’d imagine.
It doesn’t matter what she wants. Socialist Alternative writes her speeches for her, and if she doesn’t deliver them as written and stick to her talking points from the central committee, she’ll be censured or even kicked out of the party.
It’s still amazing to me that people act like Sawant has any agency of her own when we’ve had internal emails for years showing that she’s just a puppet of the Socialist Alternative central committee in Brooklyn. I’ve confronted Sawant supporters in person about this and they won’t deny it — instead they’ll insist it’s all normal and that it’s what people wanted because they didn’t vote for Sawant as a person, they voted for Socialist Alternative.
It’s just a shame the courts dismissed this charge (it was charge #4 of the recall). It’s totally unethical and just ridiculous. But our local media (cough cough) never gives Sawant’s bizarre situation the attention it deserves. You want to know why she never actually talks about D3 or does anything for D3 other than attack landlords? It’s because all her policies and speeches are written by people on the other side of the country who don’t know anything about D3.
Thank you for raising this important point. It is a sad state of affairs that D3 has voted for this wacko cult leader (or servant to the Socialist Alternative cult leader?) multiple times. I hope this time voters are looking beyond the empty slogans, educating themselves on the extreme positions of SA, and taking this opportunity to remove them from office. There are a lot of quality progressives being consider for her replacement that actually care about D3 and don’t want to burn it down.
She’s never comported herself in a dignified manner, why would this be any different? She’s an absolute disgrace.
Proudly voted NO.
It appears as though my comment, the article link supporting it and another commenters response was taken down about Sawants relationship with Nickelsville and how the members are required to volunteer for her. It’s well documented and I’m not sure why the editor of this blog wouldn’t want that included. I’m not calling it out as voter fraud (it is not) but as an abuse of power and shameful, which pretty much sums up Sawant.
Don’t have details in front of me but a common situation could explain why reasonable and even useful comments sometimes end up moderated. Some users commit the abuse in another thread and cause their recent contributions to be removed. That can occasionally end up with a branch of useful conversation being taken down also. There are also reasonable comments that include unreasonable material and we have to make a choice. Moderating is extremely challenging and not always fair. But there is no other way I am willing to continue to offer the service on the site.
Well, things are starting to look positive for the people of District three. I did my part by voting “YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEESSSSSSSSSSSS!” on the Sawant recall