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Capitol Hill Community Post | Recall Sawant and Voter Suppression by Another Name

From Blythe Serrano, volunteer coordinator with the Kshama Solidarity Campaign and a resident of the Central District

As of last week, the right-wing Recall Campaign against Kshama Sawant began moving ahead with its signature collection effort. Ironically initiators of this attempt to remove Seattle’s most progressive Councilmember are now arguing that their campaign is not a corporate-backed, right-wing initiative. Yet at the same time they continue to employ Republican voter suppression tactics. The Recall doth protest too much!

The very nature of the Recall campaign is right-wing from top to bottom: it is an attack on the right to protest, on Black Lives Matter, and on Kshama Sawant for her role in supporting social movements. All three charges that were upheld by the court earlier this month attempt to recall Councilmember Sawant for doing what she was elected to do: stand unambiguously with working people and oppressed communities. This recall campaign is part of a broader attack on the right to protest, including 81 anti-protest bills being introduced by Republicans around the country, in response to last year’s historic Black Lives Matter protests.

The Recall’s donors include a slew of wealthy Republicans such as billionaire ICE landlord Martin Selig, former Boeing CEO Frank Shrontz, venture capital director Dennis Weibling, digital marketing CEO Vidur Luthra, and online casino founder Greg Eneil. The Recall Campaign also has the backing of far-right publication Breitbart magazine, local right-wing radio host Jason Rantz, and has been proudly proclaimed by the far-right Patriot Journal to be a “Republican movement.

Around the country a widespread campaign of voter suppression is taking place, to systematically underrepresent the votes of people of color, the working class, and the poor. Earlier this month, Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed into law a bill “unlike anything we’ve seen since the Jim Crow era.” This bill (SB202) makes voting more difficult by introducing additional photo ID requirements, reducing the number of ballot boxes, and shrinking the window for early voting. It also hands control of how election law is enforced over to a single unelected administrator appointed by the Republican state legislature. Other states, including Texas and Arizona, are following suit with their own voter suppression bills.

In Seattle, the Recall Campaign is now adopting this classic Republican tactic in their undemocratic attempts to overturn Kshama’s re-election and remove her from office. The same forces that have tried and failed to defeat Kshama in the last 3 elections have wised up and realized they need to find a way to create a more favorable electorate for them. The Recall’s campaign manager H. John Bridger II told Capitol Hill Seattle just last month that they explicitly want to avoid the November general election ballot, preferring a “special election” where voter turnout is a mere fraction of a general election In order to achieve this, the Recall filed court motions to try and extend the deadline for their signature gathering to help delay the recall election past November.

They have been supported in this effort by King County Superior Court Judge Jim Rogers who has granted the Recall an extra 20 days to gather signatures based on nothing, firmly giving the Recall the cover to avoid the November General Election. Judge Rogers also ruled in the favor of the Recall on a number of other issues including ballot language which falsely alleged Kshama has been convicted of the charges. In 2019 this same Jim Rogers echoed the themes of the disastrous ‘war on drugs’ rhetoric while denying the homelessness and housing affordability crisis in the city, saying “Don’t call this a homeless crisis…Most of the people we see around the courthouse and I see it where I live, which is in the University District near the UW, are drug addicts.” The courts have never been neutral in the battle for social and economic justice and here they are not so again.

But why? It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the Recall Campaign wants a low-turnout winter special election, as the Capitol Hill Seattle Blog openly speculates in the same article, rather than a high-turnout general election in November. And certainly H. John Bridger II is correct in thinking that this would be beneficial for his campaign – special elections are always more favorable to the right wing precisely because they have much lower voter turnout of people of color, working class people, and young people. This is just voter suppression by another name. The Recall wants to silence Seattle’s only elected socialist by trying to ensure that the voices of working and marginalized people in our diverse district are not heard at the ballot box.

Despite their claims of representing regular people in District 3, we know the Recall actually represents the interests of big business and the right wing – one only needs to look at their wealthy donor base to see who’s behind this effort. Regular people in District 3 have made their voices heard by electing Kshama Sawant three times now, despite fierce opposition from the right wing and big corporations such as Amazon, which spent $1.5 million to try and unseat her in 2019 and failed.

These undemocratic attacks are very serious, but we know that voter suppression is not a new phenomenon – it has a long and deeply racist history in the United States. It should come as no surprise that the same recall campaign that is attacking Kshama for her support of Black Lives Matter and the Tax Amazon movement is willing to utilize racist, anti-worker tactics to get their way.

Now more than ever, it is clear that voting alone won’t be enough defend Kshama and our movement’s victories – from the Amazon Tax to the “crowd control” weapons ban to the $15 minimum wage – in a system that is rigged against us. We need to build a grassroots movement to ensure our voices are heard!


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3 years ago

CTRL+F for Right Wing – seven results. It’s like Trump compulsively saying “the Fake News Democrats”. It’s just a verbal tic at this point.

3 years ago
Reply to  lol...

I came here to say the exact same thing. I’ve said it many times, Sawant uses many of the same techniques that Trump employed to whip up his base. I’ve also repeatedly said I voted for her twice and support the recall. I live in D3 and I’m not a millionaire and not a republican.

Like Trump, she has been proven to abuse her power and be unethical. Like Trump, she crafts false narratives and repeats them endlessly hoping to drown out the facts.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mimi

This is basically where I stand, except that I only voted for her once. It has absolutely nothing to do with her policies, many of which I agree with.

3 years ago

Pointless drivel, and blatant lies. But that is pretty much to be expected from sawant supporters these days. My hope is that the residents of D3 are finally decide that it’s time to join up with the rest of seattle and start working to make seattle a better place. You want to wage war on capitalism or “the system” there are plenty of places to do that where one could be much more effective. Run for Congress, go join up with the Bernie and the squad if those are the battles you want to fight. Seattle has real problems that need solutions oriented leaders that care about this city, not carpet baggers preying on people’s good intentions to build their personal careers.

This drivel about a right wing recall is a dumb and the crap trump spewed. I’d be more than happy to compare share my left leaning and progressive voting record with Messier Serrano’s. I’ve been voting in seattle elections since 1998, now some jonnny come lately going to tell me I’m a wealthy corporate right winger?!?! GTFOH

If you’re dumb enough to believe the garbage that the sawant campaign spews then your were probably dumb enougnt to follower into city hall during a global pandemic and you’re no smarter than the morons that stormed the capital for trump.

Come on seattle. Let’s work on electing a city council that cares about the city, and not this current bunch of craven political hacks that is mortgaging the future of the city for their own personal gain.

3 years ago
Reply to  No CHOP

If it’s not right-wing, why is the recall campaign soliciting SPOG for help?

D3 guy
D3 guy
3 years ago

Total lies. I am a gay, liberal Democrat. I have voted for Democrats my entire adult life at every level of government. In no way can you call me right wing. I’m also a resident of District 3. I support the recall because Kshama Sawant is a terrible CM who does nothing to represent or serve her residents. She is a Marxist-Leninist ideologue who is trying to bring another global communist revolution. She drove off Carmen Best (I guess Black careers don’t matter to her.) And she treats most of us fellow District 3 residents like the enemy she’d like to purge (and probably shoot).

She has to go. You can try and smear us and call us right wing all you want. It’s not true, and you’re just perpetuating Sawant’s lies.

Socialist Alternative is not a cult!!!
Socialist Alternative is not a cult!!!
3 years ago

Thank you Socialist Alternative Ministry of Propaganda for defending the great leader with such honesty and integrity.

3 years ago

I really do not understand publishing community posts from staff of political candidates. This is the second time a Sawant campaign staffer has offered a prominently displayed community post. What happens when multiple staffers from ten mayoral candidates start submitting community posts? Could get a bit crowded in here. But more than anything I think these posts diminish this publication as a source of news and information. Which is really too bad. Reconsidering my ongoing $50 monthly contribution…

3 years ago

Soooooooooooo… why is it the every time someone disagrees with Sawant, she or her supporters, counter with the “right-wing” slur? I am a D3 resident and while people may call me many things, “right-wing” is NOT one of them! While I voted for her twice, finally her shrill, self-serving, lying, co-opting, self-promoting tactics have worked my last good nerve. 

3 years ago
Reply to  Ryzen3

They do this because they have no defense for her actions. It’s very Trumpian. Rather than address the merits of the allegations, which have all been proven true, they resort to name-calling the residents of D3. It’s vile and just strengthens my belief that she is lacking any integrity and will say anything to remain in power.

3 years ago

Yum, delicious homemade populism!

3 years ago

I don’t even know where to begin to rebut your multiple lies and mis-characterizations of the Recall campaign. So I’ll just say this: your effort to conflate the Recall issue with the national voter suppression issue is just plain wrong. And, it is asinine to claim that the recall campaign is about attacking the right to protest.

CD Neighbor
CD Neighbor
3 years ago

Quite literally the opposite of voter suppression….

This is a vote. It is *asking* the people she represents whether or not to keep her after she’s admittedly violated her oath of office multiple times. Everyone who registered to do so in her district will be mailed a ballot that doesn’t even need a stamp to return. If you can get your lazy hand to fill in a bubble, put your signature on the envelope and put it back in your mailbox you can participate. There are no excuses for not participating – whether or not it’s in August or November. What happens will be the will of the voters.

3 years ago

This article is absolute rubbish, I am a district 3 voter, not a republican, and a landlord who has been villainized by her and other council members, when I’M THE ONE ACTUALLY PROVIDING HOUSING for our working class. I’d loved all the responses from people who support the recall, talk about solidarity…She need to go.

3 years ago

This is not a “right wing recall”, I am a life long Democrat and am absolutely frustrated and disgusted with the direction Seattle has taken. We were a beautiful city that I was so damn proud to show off to friends and relatives who would visit. We are now a city of tents, blowing trash and graffiti, where I don’t even feel safe sitting in my local park. There is a difference between providing services for the disadvantaged and going the way of San Francisco. (A once beautiful city of my youth that is now perhaps the most unwelcoming downtown of any city on any continent that I have travelled).

Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson
3 years ago

It isn’t a right wing recall, it is a voter’s of Seattle recall.

Sawant has broken the law, abused her office, and pushed for policies that hurt Seattle. We want her gone.