Dozens of “direct action” protesters marched across Capitol Hill Monday night marking six months since the May 30th clash between demonstrators and police that brought fire, tear gas, and gunfire to Seattle’s core and sparked continuing unrest following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Police reported four people were arrested Monday night out of the group of around 100 for “property damage” and “obstructing a law enforcement officer.”
The “black bloc” marchers spray painted buildings, damaged banks, and reportedly used a baton to smash windows at a business. Images posted by SPD showed a damaged and tagged ATM, and shattered glass at the Broadway Starbucks. Later in the night following the arrests, police reported more attempts to break glass using bricks and an illegal fire at 11th and Denny.
The group began and ended its march in Cal Anderson Park.
The demonstration follows ongoing nightly protests including a Friday night march for essential workers where police ended up making three arrests at Denny and E Olive Way after the group was reported blocking traffic.
Smaller demonstrations have continued after a long season of protest centered around Cal Anderson, the walled-off East Precinct, and Capitol Hill. While the city’s electeds have pledged support for Black Lives Matter causes, activists and groups are calling for continued protest to push for more efforts to address inequity and racism beyond the city’s near 20% cut to the SPD budget in 2021.
The march Monday night marked six months since May 30th’s day of clashes, tear gas, and fires centered downtown and the start of Mayor Jenny Durkan’s short-lived curfew as nightly protests began to develop on Capitol Hill.
Monday’s organizers said the march also marked the anniversary of the WTO riots. CHS reported on the 20th anniversary of the WTO “Battle in Seattle” and the siege of Capitol Hill here.
In October, organizers from Black Lives Matter protest groups that have been active on the Hill and across the city marched to mark 150 days of protest in Seattle. There were no reported arrests during that demonstration.
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I wonder if there is a specific reason these guys keep targeting the well known gay safe space of Seattle.
It’s because it’s a progressive space that values voices of decent and supports the legacy of minority groups having to stand up and, much like Stonewall, literally fight a tyrannical police state in order to address inequity and beg those in power to create the future we all need.
Lol if you are comparing these privileged brats from the suburbs looking around for an excuse to smash things to Stonewall, then you can go to hell.
Oh yea, Black Bloc will “create the future we all need”. Tell us more about that promised land. Pathetic people and a pathetic comment.
The Stonewall riots lasted a week, not seven months. The Stonewall rioters targeted businesses specifically hostile to the LGBTQ community. The damage these groups are doing appears to be indiscriminate. What did Hugo House do to deserve having their windows smashed? What did the small ramen shop do to have explosives thrown into their windows? What did the furniture place and plant shops do?
Spray painting “More Dead Cops” on business windows is a strange way to beg anyone for a better future. It’s needless, childish antagonism. Marching through neighborhoods at 10 pm damaging our homes and businesses at a time when everyone is struggling is a great way to turn people in the neighborhood against you.
So you’re fighting the Police State by trashing private property. Yep, that’s really “Taking it To The Man.”
Criminals being criminals. It’s not some profound statement they are making. Just self righteous cowards.
Constructive solutions to address our violent police state can be mentioned below, Travis.
Hey, you want to go to war with the police, go right ahead. But that’s not what you’re doing. You’re destroying our neighborhood and the police are letting you because it makes you look bad and gets people on their side. It’s a classic police tactic and it works. Your tactics are having the wrong effect, so it’s time to change them.
Organized non violent marches well publicized and involvement with measures underway- give them teeth. Change the slogan “defund the police” to “restructure our safety response“ and work towards laws to make police accountable for their actions. The indemnity clause must be struck.
Well said! Very good comments towards a sound solution.
This is getting really old.
@CHS: Maybe it would help to stop writing articles about the mayhem, and not give the criminal brats the attention they crave. What do you think?
The “protestors” are basically all white young people who do not live in our neighborhood. They are committing wanton property destruction and violent acts. They are doing it for kicks as there is no political purpose. Their intent is to destroy our neighborhood. They are horrible people. The attorney for BLM calls them “bozos” and advocates that they should be arrested for their crimes. The police, in comparison, are really the heroes against these criminals. I say let them go to their neighborhoods and do whatever they want to do their neighbors. I want them out of Capitol Hill as they could care less about people and our quality of community life. All they care about is destruction – evil people.