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This week in CHS history | Macrina debuts on Capitol Hill, Fat’s on MLK, Pike/Pine preservation rules

Here are the top stories from this week in CHS history:



Friday morning SWAT standoff locks down Melrose — UPDATE

Safeway eyeing Capitol Hill store — and its huge parking lot — for redevelopment

Second big power outage in week hits Capitol Hill — UPDATE



Channeling the spirit of E Aloha and the legendary Surrogate Hostess, Macrina now open on Capitol Hill

Seattleโ€™s Sweetened Beverage Tax producing healthier than expected returns

Surprise closure adds to the secrets at Capitol Hill’s By the Pound — UPDATE



Capitol Hill food+drink | A Pizza Mart pizza bar coming to Pike/Pine

Police track stolen phone across city after Capitol Hill gunpoint robbery



Area 51, providing excellent window shopping for 17 years, cuts back prior to ‘building re-tenanting’

City Council will consider 65-foot height to clear path forย 23rd and Union project

Capitol Hill poised for a condo comeback amid rising prices



Residents injured in Boylston apartment building fire

Capitol Hill food+drink | Fat’s brings new soul to the old Catfish Corner

Central District to turn three miles of streets car-free for Seattle Summer Parkways



12th Ave mystery restaurant replacing Dawson Plumbing after 74 years on Capitol Hill

City Council considers new rules to preserve Pike/Pine — UPDATE: Vote on Monday

Murphy’s Terra Plata a go in 2010 as Melrose Market prepares for street fair celebration



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