The Seattle City Council Monday afternoon will vote on approving the new, higher budget for the Madison Bus Rapid Transit project.
In August, CHS reported on the upward revisions in local spending on the project needed to meet recommendations as the city vies for a $60 million federal grant.
The new total price tag on the project pencils out to $134 million, up from an originally approved $121 million.
The Seattle Department of Transportation told CHS in August the city’s portion of the increase would come from “cost savings on other large construction projects” and an agreement with Sound Transit for funding as part of its regional Sound Transit 3 package.
To meet the federal recommendations, the project’s construction timeline has also been extended. Service on the future RapidRide G line isn’t planned to begin until 2024.
The 2.3-mile, 10-station route will connect the waterfront through First Hill and Capitol Hill to Madison Valley.
Half of the project’s budget is expected to come from the Federal Transit Authority.
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2016 Proposed Project: Bus Rapid Transit2.4 Miles, 11 Stations Total Capital Cost ($YOE): $120.00 Million — just a slight correction on original price tag.
the earlier $120 estimate included electric trolleybuses and new overhead between MLK and 19th Avenue. The new estimate is higher and shifts to hybrid buses that burn diesel.