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- Redmond robbery chase: Seattle Police helped their Redmond counterparts track down four armed robbery suspects Wednesday after a car chase from the Eastside ended on Montlake Blvd with a foot chase, search, and officers drawing their weapons to bring the manhunt to a conclusion. Redmond Police say they were responding to a 911 call about the armed robbery outside of an apartment complex around 4:15 PM Wednesday when an officer spotted the suspect vehicle fleeing westbound on 520. “Officers attempted to stop the car, but the vehicle continued westbound at a high rate of speed,” the brief on the arrests reads. Redmond PD shut down exits in the area and were in pursuit of the vehicle on Montlake Blvd when the suspects tried to flee on foot. Some of the armed suspects were taken into custody immediately while a search played out to apprehend all four. No shots were fired and there were no reported injuries. The victim was robbed of cash and some “personal items,” Redmond PD tells CHS.
- AR-15 suspects: We’re still working to get more information about a strange incident on the edge of the Capitol Hill protest area Monday night involving two men with an AR-15 style rifle and a high-speed chase that carried on across Capitol Hill, through downtown to the waterfront, and ended with a crash and two arrests in West Seattle. Police started the long high-speed chase after suspects in a Dodge Charger fled from officers checking on a report of two men with what appeared to be an AR-15 style rifle in the parking lot near the Madison I-Hop around 10 PM. The long chase carried on through the city and ended in a crash in the southeast area of West Seattle, according to police radio updates. Two suspects were reported in custody. The incident warranted a brief mention in SPD’s timeline of policing actions related to the protests — 10:02:17 PM Vehicle fleeing downtown w/rifle / black Dodge Charger — but we have not been able to track down more information about the incident. People carrying legal firearms have been seen around the protests but with city emergency orders, so-called “open carry” activities have drawn police attention. Later Monday night, a male carrying a rifle in a protest crowd downtown was taken into custody and the weapon seized: 11:26:50 PM W/M arrested w/rifle, weapon seized and under control.
High speed police chase happening on capitoll hill now. Just zoomed by my friends place on broadway and my place on summit ave. @jseattle
— Aaron J (@flyguy84) June 2, 2020
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White urban cowboy dudes with the AR-15’s, Dodge Chargers, and Chuck Norris on their minds is yet one more reason we should not de-fund the police.
Didn’t see a mention of skin tone.
He was able to be quite clearly seen on the live news coverage that night. He was not on the fringes’ of the protest – that may have been where the police first contacted or spotted him, but the news cameras first captured him right in the middle of the crowd at Pine & 11th, then walking down 11th towards the IHOP. He definitely looked white to me and appeared to with the shirtless blond guy who was playing the trumpet (bugle?)
Oh…. and actually, if you read the whole thing, at the end of the police report it specifies W/M arrested – that would be white male…..