Complete with a COVID-19 crisis appropriate face mask, a man walked into a First Hill bank Monday afternoon, handed over a note demanding cash, and fled from the scene in a full sprint in a noon-hour hold-up.
According to Seattle Police, the suspect in the threatened armed hold-up just before 1 PM was last seen running north on Minor from the Bank of America. Madison was briefly closed to traffic during the police response.
Police say the suspect, described as a black male in his 40s, around 6′, and wearing a light button down shirt over a darker shirt, and with his face covered by a light green mask, walked to a teller window around 12:42 PM and handed over a note demanding cash before fleeing the bank at the corner of Madison and Minor.
A search for the suspect was not immediately successful. The FBI is investigating the heist, SPD says.
Would have gotten more from his COVID-19 economic stimulus relief check.
First he would need to have had an actual job. Most people in that profession don’t file tax returns, or ever contribute a dime to society