Signs of normalcy are already returning to Seattle’s business districts. We’re talking about pot and cupcakes.
Cupcake Royale is back in business at its Seattle locations including its E Pike headquarters. The cupcake shops are celebrating with a special, long-awaited creation melding the talents of its founder Jody Hall, creator of the Goodship pot edibles company:
Well, after 6 years in the making, Cupcake Royale is finally launching a CBD cupcake along with a pint of frosting to celebrate 4/20! We’re calling it: “I can’t believe it’s POT!” Buttercream. To be clear, CBD is a federally legal, non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in hemp and marijuana and is known to have calming benefits. This kind of sounds like just what we need about now!
Hall is also lending her talents to The Stranger’s online-only 2020 edition of the SPLIFF Film Festival with a special live pot cupcake baking class — starts at 4:20 PM on 4/20, of course.
As for reopening, the pot and cupcake entrepreneur says the new phase for Cupcake Royale is like launching “a startup inside a 16 year old business.”
Hall says part of the Cupcake Royale return is powered by the federal Paycheck Protection Program. The company was awarded a forgivable loan before the program’s funding went dry last week. Hall says Cupcake Royale is now sorting out how best to appropriately leverage the funds and how to plan for challenges that will likely last longer than the next few months.
CHS was first to stir the hype about the cupcake queen’s planned entry into the pot business in 2014. Turned out, Goodship would fly on its own far from the Cupcake Royale brand and would attract a major investment in 2018. Cupcake Royale, meanwhile, downsized its E Pike bakery center to make space in 2018 for now neighbor Ghost Gallery to move in.
Cupcake Royale isn’t the only space we’ve seen go back into motion this week. On Harvard Ave, Bauhaus has reopened:
The Bauhaus Baristas want to get back and help the neighborhood feel a bit of normalcy again. All social distancing and sanitation guidelines will be followed. It’s time to bring the Strong Coffee back to the Hill.Bauhaus Strong Coffee Capitol Hill at 515 East Harvard – look for the Rubix SculptureOpening on Monday, April 20th. 8am-3pm
Stop by if you are out for a walk.10% off for Mexican Consulate (employees and visitors) and Cornish School of the Arts faculty and students.10% off for all delivery drivers including, US Post, Fed Ex, UPS, Amazon, etc..20% off for all first responders.Beer to Go salesBreakfast sandwiches and packaged sweets.
Cupcake Royale Capitol Hill, meanwhile, is now open for pick-up and delivery at 1111 E Pike. You can learn more at
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