An argument involving a man reportedly brandishing a firearm near 15th and Republican led to a long police search through yards and a large stretch of Capitol Hill Monday night.
All information is preliminary and has not yet been confirmed with Seattle Police.
According to East Precinct radio updates, police were called to the 1400 block of E Republican just before 9 PM to a report of an argument in the street involving a man brandishing a handgun.
Police reported a foot pursuit moments later as a suspect wearing a white surgical mask fled near 14th and Republican. According to radio updates, several callers reported a male knocking on doors and trying to enter residences in the area during the search. Police could be heard on loudspeakers warning people to stay indoors while the search unfolded.
A police K9 unit was reported tracking at least on suspect nearly an hour after the fight report. Earlier in the search, at least two people were taken into custody and a 9mm Smith and Wesson was recovered. Records show the gun was stolen from an owner in Bremerton.
UPDATE: SPD reports a teenager was taken into custody:
East Precinct officers recovered two handguns and arrested a 17-year-old Monday evening after receiving a report about a dispute involving a firearm in a Capitol Hill parking lot. Just before 9 PM, officers responded to the 1400 block of East Republican Street and contacted two men inside a vehicle. The driver took off running, and police quickly found a handgun under his seat. Officers also contacted the passenger, a 17-year-old male, in the vehicle, and recovered a firearm from underneath his seat. The second handgun was previously reported stolen in Bremerton. In addition to being 17 and unable to legally possess a handgun, the 17-year-old is also a convicted felon, prohibited from possessing firearms. Officers booked the 17-year-old into the King County Youth Service Center and continue to search for the driver of the vehicle, who left his shoes behind in his flight from police.
Jerk neighbor on 100 block of 13th AVE E went out of his way to blast very loud music while the K-9 was tracking that block. This idiot, snowflake neighbor potentially hampered the search and put police in danger by limiting their ability to hear, which was probably intentional…. was a narcissistic stunt and also very rude to his neighbors. Was probably a socialist Sawant acolyte, they want violent criminals freed and police disbanded.
What are you even talking about lol
Who on earth wants violent criminals freed?? We want people to truly be rehabilitated instead of ruining their entire lives with carceral “justice”
Would you really prefer we continued just punishing people, locking them up like rats in cages, instead of trying to actually help them become functioning members of society? You do understand that nobody actually *wants* to commit crimes, right? People just get desperate and unbelievably desensitized because our governments won’t actually prevent the robber barons we live under from manipulating public policy.
If you want to stop crime you have to cut it off at the head and actually fix the inequalities that lead people to commit crimes in the first place… I hope you are able to move past your jaded perspective and experience empathy some day, Paul.
So when the Anarchiddos call for closing down the jails, and organized activists call for closing down the youth detention center, they don’t REALLY mean it? It’s like a figure of speech, or something? You clearly are not very well versed in Seattle leftist politics.
“You do understand that nobody actually *wants* to commit crimes, right?”
Nevermind – scratch that last statement. You are VERY well versed in naive far-left politics. Only a sheltered or privileged white elitist could come up with something that silly. If you’ve ever known any actual criminals, you would very aware of the fact that they LOVE committing crimes, especially the violent ones: it gives them a blast of excitement and serotonin that is hard to replicate. Which is why they tend to commit more crimes within days of leaving prison. And why members of the criminal subculture takes pride in terrorizing innocent victims.
The notion that “nobody wants to commit crimes” is absolutely knee-slapping hilarious. And incredibly naive.
Not surprisingly, the beginning of the end in Venezuela occurred when the Bolivarians deemed criminals victims of society, essentially enabling predators by excusing their crimes as the result of poverty. Crime skyrocketed as 98% of all crimes were never prosecuted (who would have guessed?) This approach of hugging violent criminals (and blaming their innocent victims) seems to be common among leftists world-wide.
No surprise.. that corner and the shopping area close by has deteriorated since Uncle Ike’s opened.
That is the epitome of a poorly-informed comment: the two previous owners of the former Philly cheesesteak restaurant there (now the bong store) were BOTH shot to death inside their businesses. And that was in the ’00s.
wrong Ikes, you’re referring to the one at 23rd and Union.
Thanks for the update!
Gun violence is fine, Ruckus is not at all a nuisance business, cheap pot is more important than neighborhood safety, and people saying that the area has deteriorated should move to the suburbs, because part of city life is dealing with this (even though it never was before). Anyway, the CD was worse at some other point in time, which is totally why no one should complain about this now.
Countdown to the Ruckus defenders in
Think you’ll have a hard time finding serious defenders of ruckus, a lot of people hate it because it’s the Walmart of weed stores, and the people who actually shop there don’t particularly care about it one way or another because they’re in some kind of consumerist daze
Shut up, Ian.
Still just a neighbor. Not uncle Ike. I’d be happy to see them go too, but the reality any passerby can observe is they are better managed than Ruckus.
I don’t know if the situation would improve with only one pot shop on that corner, but I’d be willing to try it.
Happy to keep the Shut It Down moniker going if Ruckus closes and nothing changes.
Sure thing, bub
Anything but Ike’s..
My family was going crazy trying to figure out what was going on. The police drove by our house continuously for what seemed like an hour, each time blaring a single siren. We were checking Seattle Times, Kiro, Komo, SPD Twitter, Seattle Emergency Twitter, this site, the supposedly live crime map that for some reason wasn’t actually listing any live crimes. We even listened to a police scanner but couldn’t find anything about it.
It’s pretty concerning the lack of information available to people when you have active criminals with guns running around knocking on our doors.
Are you kidding me? When the police are around to the extent they were last night, just stay in your home until all clear and *then” find out what’s going on. The police are supposed to give us a minute by minute report? Seriously. Most of these comments make it clear why our neighborhood has gone downhill. I’m not crazy about Ike’s but it’s not as bad as a neighborhood of idiots.
Oh, please. I’ve lived on Capitol Hill since the early 90s, and I’m one of those artists people like you claim to care about keeping on The Hill. Yes, if there is a criminal with a gun knocking on the doors on my street, it would be great if the police would use their Twitter account to alert the neighborhood.
Also, psst…punks don’t rush to defend cops over citizens, so if you want to prove to the comments section how much cooler you are than everyone else, you can start there.