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CHS Pics | Jeff Goldblum drank coffee and planted a tree on Capitol Hill this summer

It turns out when one of the largest media corporations in the world spends around $3 billion on a new project and one of the shows planned to be showcased during its launch is filming in your neighborhood, you’re not going to see much. The picture above? That is Jeff Goldblum inside Broadway’s Espresso Vivace in July.

It’s about as close as we got to the action. And now we can finally share what we saw.

Turns out, Goldblum’s visit was part of the big launch of streaming service Disney+.

His show — The World According to Jeff Goldblum — is part of National Geographic’s new offerings. Yes, Disney owns National Geographic, too. The episodes feature Goldblum’s chats with “influencers and experts” on topics ranging from sneakers to… coffee.

For the caffeinated episode, “David and Jeff planted a tree in Interlaken Park, then had his very own crash barista training with Brad Langdale,” Vivace reports on its Facebook page where they have much closer pictures of Goldblum’s visit. You can also buy a subscription to Disney+ and watch the whole thing online.

Or maybe just go plant a tree. The Interlaken Park visit is part of Vivace’s long-running “Carbon Sequestration Program” where owner David Schomer has been helping to plant thousands of trees to help offset the carbon dioxide generated by roasting coffee beans.


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5 years ago

It’s good to see Interlaken Park getting some love. I missing passing through it on my trips from Volunteer Park to the Arboretum. If you are interested in planting a tree I’d recommend checking out Green Seattle Partnership. They have volunteer events daily all around the city and all you have to do is show up. There’s even a handy calendar with a map to help you find them: