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Read the CHS comments: SDOT makes correction to Capitol Hill ride-hail zone signage

You don’t want to read all comments — but you should read the CHS comments, for sure.

The Seattle Department of Transportation tells CHS it is making a simple change to clarify its signage for the new Capitol Hill “ride-hail zone” after a mistake was spotted by an eagle-eyed CHS reader.

The new zone, which directs Lyft and Uber drivers and riders to specific pick-up locations to try to clear up street congestion in the Pike/Pine nightlife district, was intended to be in effect during the neighborhood’s most intense demand for the ride services on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

But the way the signs were worded put the pick-up spot parking restrictions in effect — technically — on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from midnight to 3 AM.

Reader Erica was quick to spot the issue. “Is anyone else confused about why they wouldn’t include Saturday night in this plan?,” she wrote. “Ending the passenger loading only rule at 3am on Saturday doesn’t make any sense. It should be 3 am on Sunday.”

Good point.

SDOT says a simple sticker change will correct the signs. A spokesperson also tells CHS the pilot’s first weekend “went well” and that Seattle Police “left educational materials on cars parked in the pick-up zones and did not issue citations.”

The pilot — the city’s first test of geofencing a busy neighborhood to restrict and better control ride-hail traffic — is slated to continue indefinitely with changes and updates to the program as necessary.


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citizen a
citizen a
5 years ago

hello, there is no 12am and no 12pm. there is 12 noon and 12 midnight. the “m” stands for meridian, or midpoint, otherwise known as 12 o’clock. if you’re going to fix it, fix the whole thing.

5 years ago
Reply to  citizen a

I think it’s pretty well established that the idiots in the SDOT don’t know how to tell time.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
5 years ago
Reply to  iluvcaphill

There’s not even braille! How are blind folx going to get an uber????

Ryan Packer
5 years ago
Reply to  citizen a

There’s no 12am?! What the heck are you talking about?

Brian N.
Brian N.
5 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Packer

Citizen A see’s 12 pm and runs to the internet to let everyone know you can’t have 12 post meridian. The rest of us see 12pm and think, cool, noon.

Sure they’re a blast to be around at parties, I’m envisioning a lot of “Well, actually…” conversations

5 years ago
Reply to  citizen a

I respect the fight; my personal hill is ISO 8601

Brian N.
Brian N.
5 years ago

Things I’ve learned from iluvcaphill today: 1) all police officers when bored will undoubtedly commit acts of violence acts against PoCs 2) SDOT employees are idiots.

Any other public servants you’re looking to disparage or are you good for the night?

yes indeed
yes indeed
5 years ago

I like the Tin Man

5 years ago

As if Uber and ridehail drivers respect traffic laws, and also as if SPD enforces them.