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Central Area design board takes up 500 Broadway microhousing+hotel project

Two projects set to come before the Central District’s design review board will add new housing neighboring the Liberty Bank Building and create an intriguing mix of hotel and apartment units on Broadway near Seattle U.

Thursday night’s session of the Central Area Design Review Board takes place at Washington Hall:

500 Broadway
The first project on the night’s roster is up for what could be its final pass in front of the board. Anew Apartments is the developer on the Neiman Taber Architects-designed project to create an eight-story hotel building with “91 sleeping rooms for congregate residences” and retail on Broadway between Jefferson and James.

CHS reported on plans for the project in 2018 as developer Brad Padden moved ahead with a concept for twin developments in the area. The other project at 510 Broadway also underway is more typical of Padden and Anew with a 1908 unreinforced masonry building used for decades as a SRO “single room occupancy” style hotel being overhauled and converted into microhousing.

The 500 Broadway project, meanwhile, called for a planned two-story hotel below six stories of Small Efficiency Dwelling Units and congregate housing.

The project will replace the building home to the Cedars restaurant. Malik S. Khan opened the Seattle University location of his popular U- District restaurant in 2012 after buying the building for $1,445,000. He’s in for a solid return on investment when the sale of the property closes.

1419 24th Ave
Second on the bill for Thursday night’s review is the first pass through the process for a project that will create new housing to neighbor inclusively developed affordable housing project the Liberty Bank Building.

Planned to create an eight-story apartment building with 83 small efficiency dwelling units and 24 apartments units, the project will replace a set of single family-style homes just north of the Liberty Bank development. The project from developer Cascade Built and b9 Architects is being planned with no parking.

“The development project seeks to enhance an evolving neighborhood fabric with an eight-story apartment building mid- block on 24th Avenue,” the development design packet reads. “The team will achieve a high sustainability metric and provide new housing units in a culturally rich community.”


The project is also being planned as a sustainable structure built to Passive House standards, “a rigorous, voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, which reduces the building’s ecological footprint” and “results in ultra- low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling.”


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5 years ago

For 15 years now a s a homeowner on 24th Ave, we’ve seen the CD’s residential makeup start it’s change to where it has arrived at today. More and more townhouse and apartment developments going up on lots where SFHs once stood. The impact to the landscape and the feel of the neighborhood has become one of disenchantments and frustration. More car traffic, less parking, illegally parked cars, bad drivers, construction work vehicles on side streets causing even more congestion and unwanted maneuvering just to get home to our place. My one block is being, and will be for a longtime , severely impacted by very close proximity residential re-building. Two projects are currently underway and with at least 3-4 more planned…on just one block!! These projects takes on average 2 years to complete…do the math. It’s maddening. Somethings gotta give. This is for sure one way to drive out black homeowners in the CD, apart from gentrification, because of the stress, hassle and relentless pursuit of high impact housing needs and greed, to say nothing of affordability and attainment of the ‘new’ dwellings that take it’s/our place.