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CHS Pics | Hilloween 2019 weekend pics — Plus, where to trick or treat on Capitol Hill

Unless the actual big day falls on a Friday, Hilloween always begins on a Saturday. You should know that. CHS hit the streets of Pike/Pine over the weekend for a look at what the fashionable costume set was wearing this year. Many of the get-ups we found along E Pike were deep cuts — CHS might need your help sorting out the various pop-culture references. Or you can just let us squirm.

If you are planning to add some trick or treat action to your Hilloween, we’ve included the famous CHS Trick or Treat Hot Zone map, below. It show the area of Capitol Hill where you’ll find scenes like the above — and buckets and buckets of candy. Here’s a message from the “Red Zone.” They’re waiting for you. Also make plans to stop by the Trick or Treat House of Montlake. Happy Hilloween.

The map — and more pictures from Hilloween weekend — below.

Here are SPD’s tips for trick or treaters and the rest of us to make the night a safe one for everybody.

CHS Hilloweens past: 20182017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010


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