CHS reported earlier this year on how Capitol Hill Housing is expanding its vision for affordability beyond its home neighborhood. With the new horizons will come a new name for the 12th Ave-headquartered nonprofit developer. CHH is now asking for a little help:
It’s time! We are ready to create a new name for our organization that better reflects our geographic reach and how we’ve grown and changed. Capitol Hill Housing (CHH) has served and worked alongside generations of low- and moderate-income folks to improve their neighborhoods since 1976. While our history is rooted in Capitol Hill, today we partner with communities across the Seattle area—from the Central District to White Center to Lake City. We envision Seattle as a place where everyone—from teachers and artists to seniors on fixed incomes to young families—can set down roots and thrive. Our mission in service to that vision is to build vibrant and engaged communities.
You can add your five ideas by September 16th here.
“We are looking for a new name that feels inviting, welcoming, and inclusive to all the people in our community, and that embodies our mission, vision and values,” the announcement from CEO Chris Persons reads.
Launched in 1976, Capitol Hill Housing began by acquiring old buildings to turn them into income restricted housing. As the organization grew, it moved into rehabilitating midsize buildings. When the housing pressures around central Seattle mounted, it lead CHH to embark on ambitious new construction projects under the mission of creating “vibrant and engaged” communities. Capitol Hill Housing’s growth is hoped to be a template for more affordable development in Seattle. In March, city officials also came to 12th Ave Arts to sign the expansion and upzoning of Seattle’s Mandatory Housing Affordability program because the development represented so many goals of the new legislative effort. In August, CHS reported on CHH’s next important Capitol Hill project, a planned eight-story “LGBTQ-Affirming Affordable Senior Housing” development on Broadway.
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Africatown. Not because I like it but because that is where they direct the vast majority of their resources.
Maybe they should focus on maintaining and improving their current buildings first. I know they want to help more people, but they should make sure the ones who live in them now are safe and healthy first.