Seattle Public School kids aren’t the only ones back in session this week. The Seattle City Council returned from its summer break Tuesday with votes approving legislation to help out bikers and renters.
In one set of votes at Tuesday afternoon’s full council session, members approved a suite of updates to provide renters with more protections including a vote updating the City of Seattle’s Just Cause Eviction Ordinance to “harmonize the City’s regulations with amendments to the Washington State Residential Landlord-Tenant Act. Under the changes approved Tuesday, Seattle renters will see the time given tenants to respond to a notice to pay or vacate increased from three to 14 days and tenants need to be notified of all rent increases at least 60 days in advance.
More new renter legislation is coming. CHS reported here on a raft of new proposals including those passed Tuesday and additional bills including one to require landlords to accept non-electronic payment of rent.
Tuesday, the council also made progress for bikers and safe streets. The body passed an ordinance requiring SDOT to build new protected bike lanes whenever paving projects are undertaken on streets included in the Master Bike Plan:
“Whenever the Seattle Department of Transportation constructs a major paving project along a segment of the protected bicycle lane network, a protected bicycle lane with adequate directionality shall be installed along that segment,” the directive reads.
The council also passed two resolutions to sort out funding for new bike projects. One directs SDOT to develop a budget proposal for building “an additional 3,000 bike parking spaces, mostly in the form of on-street bike parking corrals, to support parking private bikes as well as shared bikes and scooters,” the Seattle Bike Blog reports. SBB also has details on the second passed resolution which asks Mayor Jenny Durkan to find funding for a roster of South Seattle bicycle and safe street projects.
Seattle City Council Insight reports that, prior to the vote on the project resolution, Council members Lisa Herbold and Sally Bagshaw pushed through last-minute amendments to add needed segments in their districts.
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“…one basic lesson I’ve learned is that not every gay person, and especially not every gay politician, is my ally.”
You’re living proof of that.
We don’t need the left to be taken over by radicalized extremism the way the the right has been. The city and Capitol Hill are decaying in part because of insane new left wing politics that treats every single homeless person the same and always as an unwilling victim. That guy that was booked 50 times for robbery, trespassing and attempted rape, yet is still roaming the streets of CH and bragging about it, should not be exempt from the law, which IS what the new radical leftists want. Being disgusted by filthy streets and rampant crime should not have to be a right wing thing.
Here, here!
That guy that was booked 50 times for robbery, trespassing and attempted rape, yet is still roaming the streets of CH and bragging about it, should not be exempt from the law, which IS what the new radical leftists want.
Do you have a source for this person who has committed both robbery and attempted rape? Maybe reference the court case documents for their more egregious charges they were allegedly acquitted on?
Every time I hear someone ranting about the courts being “catch and release”, there’s either a rational explanation or they are lying and/or intentionally misinterpreting the facts.
I just hope that there is funding for those who live here in the community as Gathering funds for those who are coming to the community as being new residence everyone has to have a place to live jobs available education at hand Healthcare ennead Community togetherness in a safe and positive environment born and raised in Seattle Washington 20th and South Main Street my grandmother came with nothing got a culinary art degree from soic now as bi and helped her community with nothing but always giving something I hope the tradition of Seattle being a fair place still stands and especially for the black community
Look for higher rents and more onerous background checks. Thanks City Council, what would we do without you;)