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CHS History | Montana bar born, the 2015 blood moon eclipse from Capitol Hill, CC Attle’s last days on Madison

Here are the top stories from this week in CHS history:



‘Coffee with Kshama Sawant’ — District 3 representative holds rare community meeting

First look inside The Lounge by AT&T and Ada’s Discovery Cafe



‘Wine lifestyle brand’ and marketer behind $6.35M Broadway building buy

Now open on 15th Ave E: Aviv Hummus Bar



Capitol Hill man walking his dog dies after being struck by driver at Belmont/Bellevue

14+ things CHS heard at the Capitol Hill #rentersummit



Capitol Hill food+drink | First look at Ernest Loves Agnes

CHS Pics | Shooting the blood moon from Louisa Boren Park



Seattle rents rising faster than in any other major U.S. city — even faster on Capitol Hill

Ready to serve the Central District and Capitol Hill, Uncle Ike’s Pot Shop set to open at 23rd and Union



Spilling the beans: Starbucks building giant coffee roaster and cafe at base of Capitol Hill

Why Seattle’s most densely populated neighborhood probably* won’t have a pot shop



Capitol Hill food+drink | Rachel’s Ginger Beer to leave Hill as Montana expands its borders

CHS Pics | What it looks like inside a Capitol Hill aPodment (Warning: Boring!)



What brought down the 15th Ave E power pole? A Capitol Hill perma-puddle

The Buck stops, Montana begins — Rachel brings her ginger beer to E Olive Way



CC Attle’s last days on Madison before moving to new Hill home

Overhauled Olive Way Gaybucks, neighboring Summit/John park on track for October openings



Chow Foods responds to Chao

‘Obama=Hitler’ group causes ruckus on Broadway


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