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With ballots about to head out, District 3 race’s final Primary warm-up laps are all about the money

In the last week before ballots go out, the District 3 race to be fhe top two candidates to go through the Primary and onto the General Election in November appears to be all about the money. One D3 candidate recently got a big boost as the business-friendly Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce doled out its first chunk of cash to its endorsed candidates.

As part of a $307,000 dump, Egan Orion, the Broadway Business Improvement Area administrator who has said he wouldn’t accept campaign contributions from business political action committees (PACs), had $86,750 spent to benefit him by the Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy, the PAC run by the chamber, for a canvassing, telephone, and texting program; $12,450 for direct mail; and, $8,200 for campaign literature, according to late June filings with the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission (SEEC).

These three sums add up to $107,400 in independent expenditures — first reported by journalist Erica C. Barnett — to aid the flagging Orion campaign, which is getting more money than any other in any city council district, so far.

“It’s no surprise that corporate PACs have already spent more on District 3 than on any other in the city,” Council member Kshama Sawant said in an email. “This year, corporate PACs have made it clear that their top priority this election cycle is ‘anybody but Kshama Sawant’ for District 3.”

This money could serve as a much-needed stimulus for a candidate who has struggled to receive endorsements, sometimes finishing last in voting in local Democratic Party endorsement contests, despite strong ties fostered as head of the now-shuttered Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce and as executive director of what Orion is quick to call the biggest single festival day in Seattle, Pridefest.

“I think CASE’s endorsement helps to shape the race,” Orion said in a text message, adding of Sawant: “she’s been demonizing the Metropolitan Chamber for years now and specifically in this election so the fact that I have their support may help the electorate see some strong delineation between my candidacy and that of Kshama Sawant.”

The fundraising cap was lifted in April after Sawant contributions exceeded $75,000.

“It is worth pointing out that it is the significance of out-of-Seattle donations to Council Member Sawant and the big money support from a New York-based political organization, Socialist Alternative, that has caused the Democracy Voucher program to be undermined and resulted in all candidates in this race being released from spending limits,” candidate Pat Murakami said in an email. “I believe a genuine Socialist would have participated in and abided by the rules of the Democracy Voucher program.”

The over $100,000 in campaign help is more than any challenger has raised so far, with incumbent Sawant raising over $200,000. As of July 8, only 23% of her money has come from within the district, which includes Capitol Hill and the Central District, while 50% came from outside Seattle city limits, according to SEEC. Only 10% of Orion’s more than $58,000 in fundraising was from contributors outside Seattle.

Sawant has received criticism for her outside support and the influence of Socialist Alternative, but she has never denied she isn’t “democratically accountable” to the organization. She also said during her re-election kick-off earlier this year that she expected “corporate PACs, big business and developer lobbyists” to pour money into the election race to try and “stop us.”

“Since Kshama is raising massive amounts of money from outside the district, it’s been tough for any of her challengers to compete on the fundraising side of things. So I welcome help from supporters large and small to help me get through the primary and compete head to head with Kshama in the general,” Orion said.

“I can’t tell you how many times at doors I’ve heard people say how their pleas to CM Sawant’s office were unanswered. We deserve a council member who will represent all voices in the district, not divide us into us vs them. There’s no them. It’s only us.”

Meanwhile, entrepreneur Logan Bowers and public defender Ami Nguyen have brought in just under $90,000 (17% outside Seattle) and $83,000 (18% outside), respectively, according to Public Disclosure Commission filings. Murakami, who was recently endorsed by activist group Speak Out Seattle, has raised over $72,000 (6% outside), and Seattle Public Schools Board member Zachary DeWolf has has gained traction since joining the race in April while also earning the endorsements of sitting council members Teresa Mosqueda and Lorena González despite sitting in last in fundraising with a total haul so far of just under $40,000 (8% outside).

Bowers said he has raised an additional $40,000 in democracy vouchers that have not yet been redeemed.

“At every opportunity, Kshama frames this election about whether D3’s council member works for Big Business or works for Socialist Alternative,” Bowers said, contacted through Twitter. “It’s clear to me voters instead want someone who works for them.”

“I’m the only major candidate that isn’t bought by special interests, business, or partisan ideology,” he added. “I’m here for my neighbors and it’s clear they know it.”

Speak Out Seattle, which hosted a campaign forum in May despite criticism over its positions against homeless encampments and tiny house villages, ranked Murakami as its top choice, writing on its website that she is “fully aligned with SOS’ positions on crime, homelessness and addiction/mental illness solutions. She is data-oriented and will be a strong advocate for improved public safety across the city.”

Orion earned second place in the organization’s endorsement process and Bowers was ranked third. The group called the election of either DeWolf or Sawant as “worst outcomes” on its website.

Bowers’s average contribution ranks the highest at $97 and Murakami is lowest at $73. The rest of the candidates have average contribution sizes in between those two numbers.

CASE’s coffers, which have been aided by $200,000 from Amazon and $130,000 from Vulcan, remain healthy with hundreds of thousands left to spend.

“Vulcan and other real estate corporations are deeply afraid of our growing movement for rent control,” Sawant said. “Corporate PACs are on track to shatter records for campaign spending, without the same limits as the voucher program or individual donors. Our grassroots campaign plans to shatter records too.”

“We’re incredibly proud that our campaign — which takes no money from corporations, CEOs, business lobbyists, or big developers — has now raised over $200,000, enough to cancel out the huge donation Amazon made to the CASE PAC earlier this year!”

As CHS has previously reported, Orion has also received money from executives at Amazon, the tech company frequently derided by Sawant.

Among Orion’s contributors are the company’s DC-based Senior Vice President of Global Affairs, the director of State & Local Tax, Senior Manager of US State Public Policy, Vice President of Finance Operations, Director U.S. Public Policy, Vice President Public Policy, the CEO of Amazon Web Services, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and others, who all gave $250.

Guy Palumbo, the Washington lawmaker who quit his post to lobby for Amazon recently, donated $250 as well.

South Seattle District 2 candidate Mark Solomon, Seattle Police Department crime prevention coordinator, is benefitting from just over $80,000 in CASE funds. Like Orion, Solomon is playing catch-up as he tries to gain ground on more progressive candidates with the August 6 primary less than a month away.


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5 years ago

What a nightmare if the choice is between Murakami and Sawant….

5 years ago
Reply to  Unclevinny

Exactly. I never thought there would be someone running I would support less than Sawant!

5 years ago

The nightmare is all the choices, they are all horrible. No one can be a
sane, measured, judicious, person and run in this hyper liberal district. You are labeled a Nazi or fascist if you simply question certain ideas. Hopeless.

Brian N.
Brian N.
5 years ago

Orion has arguably the two most important endorsements: CASE and the Seattle Times. He also just picked up an endorsement from WTIA, an influential group of large and small tech companies from the region.

I see Orion/Bowers splitting the traditional democrat voters, Sawant/Nguyen/DeWolf splitting the socialist/social justice voters, and Murakami picking up the “conservative for Seattle” voters.

FWIW here’s my current power rankings:
1) Egan Orion
2) Logan Bowers
3) Ami Nguyen
4) Zach DeWolf
5) Pat Murakami
6) Khsama Sawant

5 years ago
Reply to  Brian N.

Orion also picked up the endorsement from Tim Burgess’s (former Council Member & Interim Mayor) progressive, pragmatic PAC People for Seattle (

5 years ago
Reply to  Brian N.

Just curious–do CASE and Seattle Times endorsements actually benefit candidates in this particular district?

Brian N.
Brian N.
5 years ago
Reply to  neighbor

The resources that come with the CASE endorsement certainly benefit Orion. My read on the Times endorsement: if someone is trying to decide between Orion/Bowers/Murakami -or- is new to the city -or- doesn’t pay much attention to the election ahead of voting then, yes, it helps. For people that are already Sawant/Nguyen/DeWolf leans then, no, it doesn’t make much of a difference/just reinforces that they shouldn’t vote for him.

5 years ago
Reply to  Brian N.

Bowers has actual community support (as evidenced by democracy vouchers and donations), while Orion is at the bottom of the voucher list.

Orion has support of SLU/downtown businesses, because they know he can be pushed around to support their interests.

I’d have (1) Bowers, (2) Orion, due to the demonstrated public support (though I suppose that could change if the business$$$ influences public opinion)

Brian N.
Brian N.
5 years ago
Reply to  HillTop

I appreciate the way Orion has carried himself throughout the various public forums – to me his answers are thoughtful, measured, and pragmatic.

I was an initial Bowers skeptic but his persistence has won me over and if it’s him vs Sawant/DeWolf/Nguyen in the general then I’ll be enthusiastically supporting him.

I’m not sold on the whole more vouchers = more local support narrative; need to go through a few more election cycles to see if there’s a correlation.

Off the top of my head here are somethings I see that can influence that narrative:

+ % of voters that turn in vouchers.
+ Demographics of people that turn-in vs. those that don’t.
+ Do people that turn in vouchers support multiple candidates.

Anyway, excited for Aug. 6th when we’ll actually get some data points.

5 years ago

We get CHS, your biased reporting on the D3 election is pro Sawant and anti Orion. Enough already.

5 years ago

So, our choice is between crypto-libertarian Amazon suck-ups and fire-breathing caviar commies?

No wonder everyone here is a nihilist.

5 years ago

On what planet is Orion “flagging”? Have there been any polls showing this?

He just picked up the Seattle Times endorsement in addition to having the CASE endorsement and an SOS stamp of approval.
He has $50K in fundraising, but also $100K in independent expenditures, which puts him in second place behind Sawant as far as I can tell. He’s done a better job of getting his name out there than any of the other candidates except Murakami and Sawant.

Orion seems to have plenty of momentum in real life and is only flagging in CHS and Sawant’s joint fever dream.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ace

He’s picking up corporate endorsements, because they expect him to work for their agenda. But his support from actual voters is questionable.

Bowers is WAY ahead on vouchers and individual donations, which is a proxy for public support. Even Nguyen (the California Carpetbagger) is ahead of him.

5 years ago

Does anyone genuinely believe Orion has strong support from local LGBTQ community? The bland corporate appropriation show that is Seattle Center Pride is his ugly baby. Plus, it’s no secret he’s a Bezos hand puppet.

5 years ago
Reply to  David

This is a really ugly comment.

5 years ago
Reply to  David

Tell me what Kshama has done for the gay community. I’m waiting.

5 years ago

How is it that you could preside over the collapse of the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce, and then run for city council? I didn’t follow the story too closely, but I don’t see how the thing the CHCC needed most was a rebrand when he Orion took control.

5 years ago
Reply to  GregoryH


5 years ago

Another thing I hate aboit Sawant, she is advertising her Rent Control Rally on this blog. That advertising promotes her brand and canpaign for reelection at least as much as it does her push for rent control. So it seems like campaign dollars should be used to pay for it. Of course Sawant is paying for that advertising with city of Seattle funds, just the way she always uses public funds to promote her brand.

Poor Ami Nguyen. She advertises on this blog too, but has to pay for it out of her campaign dollars. Seems like the playing field is slanted to me, and Sawant takes advantage of that all the time.

5 years ago

@Glenn: Thank you for pointing out that Sawant regularly uses public, not campaign funds to promote her re-election. It’s no coincidence that her “rent control rally” is being held shortly before the primary. The posters are all over Capitol Hill and they are paid for by taxpayers. Why isn’t the Seattle Election Commission looking into this blatantly unethical behavior?

5 years ago

Egan isn’t wasting any time becoming a typical politician for 2019, is he? Bankrupts a business, sweet-talks corporations for that sweet PAC cash, and orion campaign insiders are talking about how he’s become “involved” with one of his campaign aides(!).

Yeah, that sure sounds like a politician who can stay scandal free. /s

Egan Orion
5 years ago
Reply to  Arlo

You know you’re starting to be a factor in the race when people start the ugly false smears.

Our campaign is not take any corporate PAC money, first and foremost. What orgs decide to do with their money when it comes to independent expenditures is up to them. It has nothing to do with my campaign.

And there are no campaign insiders talking about an affair with a staffer. I’m surrounded by women and straight people and as a gay man that makes an affair a little difficult.

I’m happy to answer any real questions about my career but will push back against lies and smears like this from supporters of other candidates.

5 years ago
Reply to  Egan Orion

Surrounded by women and straight people? No wonder you have little support from LGBTQ people.

5 years ago
Reply to  Egan Orion

Not sure why you think he has no support from LGBTQ people. I know lots of LGBTQ people that support him. Where’s the data showing that he doesn’t? And where is it written that just because you’re Gay, the gay community has to support you in droves? All this identity politics is so tedious. What policies does he support or not support that are either favored or not with LGBTQ people? Specifically, what?

5 years ago
Reply to  Egan Orion

@ Klaus

Is he only allowed to work with gay men to garner their support? What a lame comment.

Maybe the people on his staff are there bmecause they were the most qualified and not due to their sexual preference and gender.

5 years ago
Reply to  Egan Orion

Also, just because someone says “I’m surrounded by women and straight people” doesn’t mean there are no LGBTQ people there.
But it still doesn’t matter, regardless.