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5 years ago

Oppose building a safe injection site: Murakami, Orion, Nguyen

Support building one: Bowers, Sawant

Unclear answer: DeWolf

Sawant (well, really some ideologue in Brooklyn wrote the answer on her behalf) actually had the gall to claim that the “honeypot effect” (that such a site would be a magnet for drug users, narcotics activity, and the related crime and destitution) has been “shown to be totally unfounded.” She should go spend a night on the Insite block in Vancouver if she really believes that. I’m sure those sources “showing” it to be “totally unfounded” definitely 100% exist.

DeWolf said “we need to have a conversation” and then basically proposed Safe Injection Sites under another name.

Dale Dieterle
Dale Dieterle
5 years ago
Reply to  Ace

“While Insite has the full backing of the city of Vancouver, its police department, public health officials and the B.C. government, the constant federal attacks resulted in the facility becoming one of the most studied health initiatives in Canadian history. More than 40 peer-reviewed studies have been published in The Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the British Medical Journal among others, concluding that the facility and other harm-reduction strategies like free needle exchanges have slashed HIV infections and overdose death rates, and have increased the number of people seeking treatment without contributing to an increase in crime, notes Kerr, one of the lead researchers.” MacLeans

5 years ago
Reply to  Dale Dieterle

That’s a different issue than the one Sawant is talking about.

Sawant is specifically claiming that there are multiple peer-reviewed studies demonstrating that Insite does NOT attract narcotics and criminal activity to the surrounding area.

I don’t have a catalogue at hand of every study ever published on this issue, but that sounds like it has to be a lie given that those few ruined blocks in Vancouver are a wretched, deplorable testament to the outlandishness of such a claim.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dale Dieterle

Reply to Ace above:

Sawant is claiming no such thing. She doesn’t even mention Insite, which is only one of well over 100 such sites in existence.

From the AMA (

“In an effort to consider promising strategies that could reduce the health and societal problems associated with injection drug use, the AMA today voted to support the development of pilot facilities where people who use intravenous drugs can inject self-provided drugs under medical supervision.

Studies from other countries have shown that supervised injection facilities reduce the number of overdose deaths, reduce transmission rates of infectious disease, and increase the number of individuals initiating treatment for substance use disorders without increasing drug trafficking or crime in the areas where the facilities are located.”

5 years ago


Bowers: “summer is prime solowheeling weather”

DeWolf: “Electrify everything! . . . and so so much more!”

Murakami: “Cannabis extended our Jack Russell Terrorist’s life”

Nguyen: “Have any suggestions?”

Orion: “I liked it so much I put it into a novel I wrote”

Sawant: “Our city has been the national leader in the number of construction cranes four years running”

5 years ago


[Q: Choose a D3 pot shop.]
[Note: Hashtag is not in D3, and is owned by Bowers.]

[Q: Where would you have a D3 office]
“Capitol Hill or International District”
[Note: The International District is not in D3.]

“Children who grow up in quiet neighborhoods, playing on grass and among trees, are 55% less likely to develop mental health issues as adults.”
[Note: What?]

“I’m now nine months pregnant.”
[Note: Wrong!]

“Let’s produce so much beautiful green energy that we can dismantle the dams on the Snake River.”
[Note: This is just unserious.]

“PSE has now put $0,000 into the Chamber of Commerce-sponsored CASE PAC”
[Note: Hey, that’s how much they gave me, too!]

5 years ago
Reply to  EmDot

Regarding the positive relationship between exposure to green space and trees and children’s mental health, Murakami has support:

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Mar 21;11(3):3453-72. doi: 10.3390/ijerph110303453.
Exposure to neighborhood green space and mental health: evidence from the survey of the health of Wisconsin.
Beyer KM, Kaltenbach A, Szabo A, Bogar S, Nieto FJ, Malecki KM.

Green space is now widely viewed as a health-promoting characteristic of residential environments, and has been linked to mental health benefits such as recovery from mental fatigue and reduced stress, particularly through experimental work in environmental psychology. Few population level studies have examined the relationships between green space and mental health. Further, few studies have considered the role of green space in non-urban settings. This study contributes a population-level perspective from the United States to examine the relationship between environmental green space and mental health outcomes in a study area that includes a spectrum of urban to rural environments. Multivariate survey regression analyses examine the association between green space and mental health using the unique, population-based Survey of the Health of Wisconsin database. Analyses were adjusted for length of residence in the neighborhood to reduce the impact of neighborhood selection bias. Higher levels of neighborhood green space were associated with significantly lower levels of symptomology for depression, anxiety and stress, after controlling for a wide range of confounding factors. Results suggest that “greening” could be a potential population mental health improvement strategy in the United States.

Rock the catbox
Rock the catbox
5 years ago

Glad Nguyen is great to have now as part of Seattle and look forward to where she goes but transit is a big issue in city – thank you for doing this it helped me mAke up my mind!