Thursday night will bring one of the quirkiest elements of Seattle’s quirk-full citizen budgeting exercise, Your Voice, Your Choice for street and park improvements, district by district, across the city.
If you’re into safe streets and parks and are a patient soul, the District 3 project development meeting used to winnow down community ideas and suggestions is Thursday night, 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Central District’s Douglass-Truth Branch Library. There, ideas submitted by the public will be filtered and discussed for a final slate to be voted on in September.
CHS documented a D3 Your Voice, Your Choice meeting here in March of 2018 and captured the citizen-driven process in all of its super hyperlocal and sometimes brilliant glory.
You can read more about the city’s program here.
In 2018, the winning projects represented work on streets and parks across District 3. Most are planned to be implemented later this year:
District 3 — Project Updates
- Summit Ave between Madison St and Spring St (Cost: $90,000; Total Votes: 136)
- 14th Ave E and E Aloha St (Cost: $83,298; Total Votes: 297)
- 19th Ave and E Cherry St (Cost: $10,000; Total Votes: 236)
- 16th Ave, 17th Ave, and 18th Ave and E Jefferson St (Cost: $5,000; Total Votes: 176)
- 29th Ave between E Yesler Way and E Alder St (Cost: $16,100; Total Votes: 148)
- I-90 Offramp onto Rainier Ave S (Cost: $56,800; Total Votes: 182)*
- 25th Ave S and S Plum St (Cost: $68,800, SDOT funded)*
- Judkins Park (Cost: $24,700; Total Votes: 291)*
* Projects in Equity & Environment Initiative (EEI) Focus Areas.
You can check out the 2017 D3 project roster here.
Construction of the projects is a long term affair — the upgrades and repairs need to be budgeted and planned by City Hall before work can begin.